FBI whistleblower releases documentation showing that agency actively surveils "radical" Latin Mass Catholics
By ethanh // 2023-02-10
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is moving forward with plans to intensify its "assessment" and "mitigation" of what it has dubbed "Radical Traditionalist Catholics" over the next one or two years due to concerns that they might be "white nationalists." FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin tweeted a report – see below – from the FBI's Richmond office explaining that the FBI is spooked about "radical" Latin Mass Catholics who could be "white supremacists," and who thus need to be scrutinized more closely as part of the FBI's "hate watch" operation. An eight-page memo released by Seraphin was supposed to be published strictly for internal agency use. Seraphin got a hold of it and released it for public consideration, describing it as an "intelligence product" that the agency plans to use as an initial reference point to "prop up" future investigations into "white nationalist" Catholics. "This is the first FBI Richmond domain product to focus on the interest of racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists in the Radical Traditional Catholic movement," the document reads. "A search of FBI databases indicates this is also the first FBI finished intelligence product to specifically address this environmental variable." (Related: The FBI also maintains a fleet of covert surveillance aircraft, the details of which are hidden away in shell corporations and shrouded in secrecy.)

Why does the FBI hate white people so much?

One of the most controversial aspects of the memo is a portion that directly cites a defamatory study put out by the racist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) about "Radical Traditional Catholicism." While traditionally the SPLC has been rejected by the FBI as an illegitimate source of information, in this case the agency accepted and used the SPLC study to justify its anti-Catholic agenda. "FBI Richmond relied on the key assumption that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists will continue to find Radical Traditionalist Catholic (RTC) ideology attractive and will continue to attempt to connect with RTC adherents, both via social media and in-person at places of worship," the report reads. It goes on to state that there now exists "new opportunities for threat mitigation through the exploration of new avenues for tripwire and source development." The FBI's biggest concern with Catholics is that the agency believes they are "anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT" and embrace "white supremacy." These stances pose a threat to the United States establishment and the persistence of the globalist-controlled status quo. "The report further claims that adherents to RTC ideology 'frequently share language and symbolism, such as crusader references or anti-Semitic discourses' online that pro-life white nationalists also support," notes Stephen Kokx, writing for LifeSiteNews. The nine Traditional Catholic organizations specifically called out in the FBI memo include Catholic Family News, The Remnant, The Fatima Center, Tradition in Action, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Culture Wars, In the Spirit of Chartres, Christ or Chaos, and Catholic Apologetics International – all of these were also mentioned in the SPLC report. "The release by a courageous whistleblower of this internal FBI memorandum confirms the dystopian state of the country in which we sadly live," says Catholic Family News Editor-in-Chief Brian McCall. "This memo, combined with the targeting and persecution of those working to protect the lives of unborn children, proves beyond any doubt the evil people who control the levers of power in the U.S. government are using that power to persecute any who dissent from their godless ideology." The latest news about the corrupt FBI can be found at FBIcorruption.news. Sources for this article include: LifeSiteNews.com NaturalNews.com