Trans Lives Matter extremists invade Oklahoma capitol, stage insurrection over legislation criminalizing genital mutilation of children... media silent
By ethanh // 2023-02-12
Newly proposed legislation in Oklahoma that would criminalize the transgender sterilization and mutilation of children has angered the transgender cult, which stormed the state's capitol building this week in protest. A mob of "Trans Lives Matter"-chanting LGBTs launched an insurrection targeting the capitol building to oppose the Millstone Act, which would "prohibit Oklahoma doctors from providing gender transition procedures or referral services relating to such procedures to anyone under the age of 26." The proposed bill is named after the sacred words of Jesus Christ in Mark 9:42 (NIV), which reads: "If anyone causes one of these little ones – those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." The context of Mark 9:42 speaks directly to the mob that invaded and insurrected the Oklahoma capitol building to screech and howl against Oklahoma legislators who want to protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us from being victimized by the transgender cult. "The bill would further authorize the state's attorney general to enforce the act and those found guilty of violating it would be guilty of a felony and subject to license revocation," reads a statement from state senator David Bullard, who sponsored the Millstone Act. "Child abuse is a felony in our state and mutilating a young person's genitalia should be viewed no differently. The Millstone Act will hold those who perform child mutilation accountable by making such activity a felony. Those guilty of such a heinous crime will be both legally and financially liable." (Related: The child-mutilating Left tried but failed [at least for now] to force all doctors and hospitals to perform "gender affirming" child mutilation procedures.)

Oklahoma wants to be transgender-free: NO PERVERTS

Gov. Kevin Stitt promised during his recent State of the State (SOTS) address to Oklahomans that if state legislators present to him a bill such as this that would protect innocent children from the pedophilic transgender cult, he is ready to sign it. "Send me a bill that bans all gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies on minors in the state of Oklahoma," Stitt stated. Previously, Stitt signed a bill to ban biological males, also known as men and boys, from competing in women's sports as transgenders. That same bill also requires sex-segregated school bathrooms to remain that way – meaning no boys in the girls' room, and vice versa. There are currently 17 proposed bills in Oklahoma to protect children from "gender affirming" hormone drug therapies, as well as from gender-bending surgeries that permanently mutilate children's bodies. "Legislation preventing ARPA funding to any provider that performs the hormones or surgeries to minors is in effect statewide," reported The Post Millennial. Outraged over Oklahoma's attempts to protect children from pedophile perverts in the Cult of LGBT, trans activist and lawyer Brittany Novotny is forming a new political action committee (PAC) that aims to block all further protective legislation, including the Millstone Act. Novotny claims that Oklahoma's efforts to protect children from surgical mutilation, gender-bending pharmaceutical drugs, lewd drag shows, and other LGBT perversions are unacceptable and must be stopped. As for the Trans Lives Matter insurrection, RealClearInvestigations senior writer Mark Hemingway tweeted: "Arrest them all and send them away to jail for years – that's what we do to people who storm Capitols in order to stop the functioning of government, right?" Transgenderism is demonic and straight from the pit of hell. To learn more, visit Sources for this article include: