Biden's plan to release mass of illegal aliens into U.S. revealed by Border Patrol
By jdheyes // 2023-02-13
The U.S. Border Patrol is spilling the beans on President Joe Biden's plan to release hundreds of thousands or even millions of illegal aliens into the interior of our country, which is an impeachable offense considering he vowed to uphold our laws and defend the country when he was installed into office. According to a report by The Center Square, about six weeks before he was slated to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Gloria Chavez, a chief Border Patrol agent, met with local police and sheriff's deputies in Weslaco, Texas, where she laid out the administration's plans for mass releases of illegal immigrants after the Trump-era COVID rule Title 42 ended. The administration had tried to end the rule for months, but federal courts kept the policy in place because the Department of Homeland Security was attempting to end it in an 'arbitrary and capricious' manner and without properly following federal law to sunset such policies. Texas was one of several states to sue the federal government to keep the rule in place, and in December, a federal court sided with the plaintiffs. The outlet reported further: Border Patrol agents in December were averaging taking 15,000 illegal foreign nationals into custody every day, she said, with some sectors at 150% capacity. “There is an expectation that we will be seeing an increase in flow and parole” in the RGV Sector, she said. The sector was also receiving roughly 20 flights and eight busloads a week of illegal foreign nationals from Yuma, Arizona, and El Paso and Del Rio in Texas because its facilities can hold more people. Border Patrol apprehensions and reported gotaways in December were the highest in U.S. history with more than 300,000, according to data obtained by The Center Square. At that December meeting, according to an audio recording of the meeting provided to the outlet, one senior Border Patrol agent briefing the law enforcement personnel noted that “everything has changed in the last two years," the period of time Biden has been in office. "Over the past two years, the entire landscape has changed, not only with the entries but the demographics and types of people who are exploiting the immigration process," the agent continued, according to The Center Square. Due to the volume of people who were crossing into the U.S. illegally, "more folks get processed for release because we just can't sustain it," said the agent. All regional holding facilities -- and by law, illegal crossers are supposed to either be deported or held in custody awaiting their asylum hearings -- were at 100 percent capacity, at least. Nearly half of the nine facilities in the southwest border sectors were in the red and closer to 150 percent holding capacity, the agent added. Interestingly, those being held included the highest number of Cubans and Nicaraguans in custody in U.S. history, he noted further, before asking: “How do you apprehend more Cubans than you do Mexicans?” “From 2021 to fiscal 2022 there are cities in Mexico where people say they are going to go to find smugglers who charge less to bring them across the Rio Grande River,” he said, noting that “Texas has the greatest traffic of gotaways.” It should also be noted that single, military-aged men make up about 70 percent of those crossing illegally into the country, which in and of itself is alarming. Worse, by this spring, all of the airship balloons the Border Patrol uses to monitor the border will not be flying because they haven't been funded in the massive $1.7 trillion spending bill Democrats rammed through ahead of losing control of the House in January. In fact, some of them are already coming down, Fox News reported. Biden and his regime purposely allow our country to be invaded, and Democrats in Congress are aiding and abetting it by refusing to hold him responsible. Meanwhile, China flies its spy balloons over our country with impunity. Our nation is headed to collapse if we continue to let Democrats run it. Sources include: