COVER-UP: White House chief doctor deems Biden fit to work, but omits cognitive test
By bellecarter // 2023-02-23
The White House chief doctor declared President Joe Biden physically fit to work, but conveniently omitted a cognitive test – sparking allegations of a coverup. In a Feb. 16 memorandum, White House Physician to the President Dr. Kevin O'Connor noted that Biden "remains fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations." O'Connor noted in the five-page health summary that Biden has no residual symptoms from his Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in July 2022. He continues to take medication for both atrial fibrillation and cholesterol, despite being asymptomatic for the former and having low levels of the latter. Biden also experiences acid reflux, "the reason why he is heard clearing his throat," O'Connor said. The physician also gave Biden the green light in his previous physical examination in November 2021. That time, O'Connor remarked that the president had a "stiffened" gait following a foot fracture. The Feb. 16 assessment said while this gait "remains stiff, it has not worsened." The chief doctor also mentioned that the president showed no disorders – such as the possibility of a stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease – following an "extremely detailed neurological exam."

Rep. Jackson: WH covering up Biden's decline

However, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) accused the Biden administration of covering up the president's cognitive decline. Jackson, who served as physician to the president under the Trump administration, asserted that Biden's "ability to think and reason is gone." (Related: Biden "transformation" during speech raises concerns about his health.) "Is he on any drugs to treat his mental decline? This exam was a joke," he tweeted, noting that O'Connor did not include a neurological assessment in his memo. "Trump had one, why not him? He shouldn't be president." Other doctors also expressed doubt over Biden's cognitive faculties. Family and emergency physician Dr. Janette Nesheiwat questioned the president's performance on his "mini mental status exam." "How did he do on that? What was his score? I would like to know. Physical, mental [and] emotional health are all as equally important," she said. "The job of the presidency is a very demanding, stressful job. We must ensure our leader is physically, mentally and emotionally capable, especially when it comes to, decisions, regarding life and death and the overall health, safety and well-being of our nation." Dr. Marc Siegel, a contributor to Fox News, shared the same sentiment as Nesheiwat. During an appearance on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," he expressed doubts about how O'Connor and the rest of Biden's doctors arrived at those results without a complete battery of testing. Siegel zoomed in on Biden's "stiff gait," which the White House chief doctor also observed. "It is sometimes a sign of cognitive problems," he told program host Tucker Carlson, adding that it was attributed to "peripheral neuropathy, meaning loss of sensation in his feet." But Siegel noted that the president's physicians "don't know where that's coming from." "They're basing that on a physical examination of multiple doctors but no MRI. I don't see anywhere in there about an MRI. This physical exam is more significant for what it leaves out than what it actually tells us. Visit for more stories about the incumbent president. Watch Pete Santilli explain below why Biden's medical exam, and everything else in America, is a cover-up. This video is from The Pete Santilli Show channel on

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