Woody Harrelson blasts vaccine industry as "biggest drug cartel" in SNL opening monologue
By ethanh // 2023-03-01
In his opening monologue on SNL last weekend, actor Woody Harrelson took aim at Big Pharma, calling it the "biggest drug cartel" in the world. The normally politically correct and highly unfunny late-night program aired a rare trace of truth by allowing Harrelson to blast the vaccine industry without shame. "The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel's drugs and keep taking them over and over," Harrelson said – watch below: (Related: Many medical journals function as drug marketing platforms for the corrupt pharmaceutical industry.)

Left-wing media freaks out over Harrelson's boldness, calling his statements "conspiracy theory"

It took no time at all for the corporate-controlled media to accuse Harrelson of being an "anti-vax" conspiracy theorist following the monologue's airing. The Washington Post, for instance, accused Harrelson of pushing a "popular covid-19 conspiracy theory." "The actor worked in a joke during his monologue that repeated a pandemic plot favored by vaccination opponents," wrote Olivia McCormack smugly, adding that Harrelson "used his opening monologue to seemingly promote a pervasive coronavirus conspiracy theory." McCormack also worked in a mention of her own about Harrelson's "abiding use of marijuana," as if his use of the natural herb somehow invalidates his statements about the vaccine industry being a predatory monopoly always out for blood money. "His joke referenced a pervasive conspiracy theory that pharmaceutical companies control the government and the media, and that they're forcing the public to take unnecessary vaccines," McCormack went on to criticize. "The actor, who described himself as an 'anarchist, Marxist, ethical hedonist, nondiscriminatory empath, epistemological deconstructionist and Texan,' immediately began receiving accolades from people who oppose coronavirus vaccines." People magazine also shunned Harrelson for "Supporting COVID Vaccine Conspiracy Theory" on SNL. According to People's Glenn Garner, Harrelson's statements were "met with criticism online after his opening monologue." "It's disappointing that Lorne Michaels would allow this conspiratorial nonsense on his show," complained one supporter of vaccines about SNL's allowance of Harrelson on the show. "It's probably time for Lorne to retire." Another rapid vaccine supporter on Twitter took aim at SNL for allowing Harrelson to engage in free speech. "Does #SNL think [it's] just harmless noise?" this person whined. "Normalizing #antivaxx conspiracies does real harm!" Even though the Left loves when celebrities speak out in support of vaccines, making them seem credible to the gullible masses, one Leftist wrote that nobody should listen to Harrelson because he is just an actor, and not a medical professional. "Anti-Vaxxers won't listen to highly educated people who've spent their lives devoted to science and medicine – but they will listen to a guy who they saw in that movie they watched a few years ago," this person condescendingly wrote. Others expressed skepticism as to why SNL allowed Harrelson to deliver these statements, knowing they would cause controversy. Was it just for ratings, or is there something more sinister afoot? "It's all scripted and you are being played with," one person said towards this end. "They know something big is planned and the truth will not matter once it happens." The latest news about the corrupt, money-grubbing drug and vaccine industry can be found at BadMedicine.news. Sources for this article include: TheGatewayPundit.com NaturalNews.com