Senate unanimously passes bill to declassify White House intelligence on COVID-19 origins
By arseniotoledo // 2023-03-03
The Senate on Wednesday, March 1, unanimously passed a bill requiring the administration of President Joe Biden to declassify intelligence obtained regarding the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). The S. 619 bill, known as the "COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023," was introduced to the Senate by Republican Sens. Josh Hawley of Missouri and Mike Braun of Indiana on Monday, Feb. 27, after the Department of Energy provided a classified intelligence report to the White House and certain members of Congress. (Related: FOILED AGAIN: WHO scraps plan for second phase investigation into COVID-19 origins following China's refusal to share data.) The Energy Department's report concluded that COVID-19 most likely spread following a leak in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had previously come to a similar conclusion. This contradicts a joint Chinese and World Health Organization report published in 2021 that claimed SARS-CoV-2 jumped from bats to another animal before infecting humans. But this report failed to point out how the virus reached the purported origin point – the Huanan seafood wet market in Wuhan. This new information also contradicts a previous report issued separately by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which revealed that the National Intelligence Council, along with four other unidentified intelligence agencies, assessed that the initial COVID-19 infection "was most likely caused by natural exposure to an animal infected with it or a close progenitor virus."

Bill needs to pass the House before declassification can begin

When S. 619 was put on the floor for a vote on Wednesday, Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio made a request for a unanimous consent vote on the bill. Unanimous consent enables a bill to pass without a recorded vote, but only if no senator objects. This request was granted, and the bill was passed "without objection." The bill would require Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to declassify all information in the federal government's possession on the most likely origins of COVID-19. Following the bill's unanimous passage in the Senate, Hawley tweeted: "Tonight the Senate UNANIMOUSLY passed my bill to declassify all the intelligence the government has on #covid origins. Let the people see the truth!" In further comments made during an appearance on Fox News, Hawley noted that the bill still needs to pass in the House of Representatives "and then we can get this thing done." But with the newly-established Republican majority in the House, getting the bill on Biden's desk should come with fewer hurdles. Braun, in his own message written on Twitter, urged the House to pass the bill urgently. "The House needs to pass this bill to let the American people see the facts!" he wrote. "President Biden can't ignore this: Time to let Americans decide for ourselves." Hawley also noted how important it is for the sake of transparency and accountability to allow the American public to understand the origins of the pandemic. "The American people – it's past time – let's show them what the government has," said Hawley. "Let everybody see for themselves. Let everybody read it." Check out for more related news. Watch this clip from InfoWars featuring host Owen Shroyer discussing why the mainstream media is now pushing the Wuhan lab leak theory. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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