Actor Woody Harrelson doubles down, says “absurd” COVID mandates must end
By ljdevon // 2023-03-05
Actor Woody Harrelson is doubling down against the drug cartels that control the medical system, the media, and the politicians. In an interview with the New York Times, Harrelson said COVID mandates must end, so that freedom and sanity can be restored in the US and around the world. He is tired of taking fraudulent covid-19 tests and putting up with insidious mask protocols that are used to punish people and false guilt them into a state of subservience and sickness. He's also fed up with mandates being used to coerce people to take dangerous injections.

Wood Harrelson recently joked about the drug cartels that control the media and the politicians

Harrelson recently went on “Saturday Night Live” to joke about the drug cartels (the vaccine companies) forcing people to stay in their homes and take dangerous injections. “So, the movie goes like this,” Harrelson said. “The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes.” “And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over,” Harrelson added. “I threw the script away. I mean, who was going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day long!” The bought-off media proved his point entirely and immediately attacked him for spreading “antivaxxer conspiracy theories.” Funnily enough, these so-called “conspiracy theories” have played out in real time over the past three years and have become conspiracy realities. The population really was ordered to lock down in their homes. They really were coerced to take injections that are actually more deadly than many street drugs. The government and the media really did push out a narrative of terror, coercing people to take these toxic injections over and over. But the people who pushed lockdowns, school closures, nasal swabs, forced masks and vaccine passports lashed out at Woody Harrelson. How dare the actor speak out against “the science?”

Woody Harrelson doubles down against COVID mandates, vaccine coercion

Instead of kowtowing to the mob of bots and degenerates, Woody Harrelson decided to double down and call for an end to COVID mandates. In an interview with the New York Times, Harrelson said COVID protocols are “rather absurd.” He said America is no longer a free country because of the insidious COVID mandates. When the interviewer asked what is so “absurd about the COVID protocols,” Harrelson replied, “The fact that they’re still going on!” Harrelson has had enough of the medical tyranny and fraud. “I don’t think that anybody should have the right to demand that you’re forced to do the testing, forced to wear the mask and forced to get vaccinated three years on,” Harrelson stated. “I’m just like, let’s be done with this nonsense,” Harrelson continued, adding, “It’s not fair to the crews. I don’t have to wear the mask. Why should they? Why should they have to be vaccinated? How’s that not up to the individual? I shouldn’t be talking about this [expletive].” Harrelson sees how stupid and discriminate the protocols are. “Really, I’m talking about the crew. Because I can get out of wearing a mask. I can test less. I’m not in the same position they’re in, but it’s wrong. It’s three years. Stop.” “It makes me angry for the crew. The anarchist part of me, I don’t feel that we should have forced testing, forced masking and forced vaccination,” he said. “That’s not a free country,” he warned. Sources include: