Biden lies again, says $1 million in payments to family from Hunter associate 'not true' though bank records say otherwise
By jdheyes // 2023-03-22
Joe Biden cannot tell the truth, that is just a fact. The man lies like it's his job. He literally seems physically incapable of being honest, like his DNA has been altered after spending a half-century lying his assets off as a politician in Washington, D.C. Despite financial records suggesting otherwise, Biden refuted the notion that his family received over $1 million in payments from accounts associated with Hunter Biden's business partner, Rob Walker, and their Chinese business dealings in 2017, Fox News is reporting, citing information provided via a congressional investigation. Last week, Republican lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee disclosed that they had acquired bank records indicating that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's brother Jim, and Beau Biden's widow, Hallie, had received payments from Rob Walker, Hunter's business partner, and their joint venture with Chinese energy company CEFC. Hunter Biden's legal team spokesperson acknowledged the payments but clarified that the accounts belonged solely to Hunter, his uncle, and Hallie, and no one else, the report said. When approached by a reporter on the White House lawn on Friday, Biden denied that any payments had been made. "That's not true," he responded after being asked about what Republicans have discovered. is true, via Fox News: Financial records that Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., subpoenaed from Bank of America say otherwise.  The records revealed that on March 1, 2017, less than two months after then-Vice President Joe Biden left office, State Energy HK Limited, a separate Chinese company, wired $3 million to Robinson Walker, LLC. "The next day, Robinson Walker, LLC wired $1,065,000 to European Energy and Infrastructure Group in Abu Dhabi, a company associated with James Gilliar," a memo from the committee states, Gilliar was a business partner of Hunter Biden involved in his foreign business ventures, the outlet reported further. "After the Robinson Walker, LLC account received $3 million from State Energy HK Limited, Biden family members and their companies began receiving incremental payments over a period of approximately three months," the memo continues. "The recipients of the money included Hallie Biden, companies associated with Hunter Biden and James Biden, and an unknown bank account identified as ‘Biden.’" GOP lawmakers are investigating whether the Biden family used Joe Biden's prior position as vice president to secure profitable agreements with foreign nationals. While the White House did not refute the allegations, it criticized the committee's inquiry into the Biden family in a statement, Fox News pointed out. "After a disgusting attack lamenting that the President’s deceased son Beau was never prosecuted while he was alive, Congressman Comer has now decided to go after Beau’s widow," said White House spokesman Ian Sams, in reference to remarks the Kentucky Republican made earlier this month regarding the late Beau Biden's campaign contributions. "Instead of bizarrely attacking the President’s family, perhaps House Republicans should focus on working with the President to deliver results for American families on important priorities like lowering costs and strengthening health care," Sams added. Hunter Biden's legal team, meanwhile, also confirmed that the payments took place but accused Republicans of pushing a "baseless right-wing conspiracy theory." "Hunter Biden, a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavors, joined several business partners in seeking a joint venture with a privately-owned, legitimate energy company in China," the spokesperson said. "As part of that joint venture, Hunter received his portion of good faith seed funds which he shared with his uncle, James Biden, and Hallie Biden, with whom he was involved at the time, and sharing expenses." During an interview with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures,” Comer gave an update on his committee's inquiry into the Biden family’s business dealings. “Well, we know that when the president was vice president in the Obama administration, he made several trips to China. He brought his son and some of these associates with him,” Comer told Bartiromo. “They met in different places with some of these people that the president claimed he never met with. So we know the president hasn’t been truthful about his involvement when he was vice president. But from talking to former associates that were involved with Hunter Biden, what we know the Biden family had agreed to help China do was get their foot in the door,” he said. Sources include: