Freedom Force Battalion: Russia, China working together to free the world from the NWO – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-03-28
According to Melissa Red Pill, Russia and China are not just signing new political and economic agreements – they are also working together to liberate the world from the control of the New World Order (NWO). She expounded on this during the March 22 episode of the Brighteon.TV program "Freedom Force Battalion." Red Pill said the United Nations acts like a mafia enforcer for the NWO by holding all the world's nations hostage, implementing arbitrary rules and putting puppet leaders in power. But the alliance between Moscow and Beijing will remove the NWO's shackles by destroying the oppressive financial system. The end of the cabal's control over the world and the mass awakening of people brainwashed by it will also follow, she added. The "Freedom Force Battalion" host mentioned that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese paramount leader Xi Jinping recently signed several agreements to establish strategic cooperation between the two nations. According to the Russian leader, trade and economic cooperation is a priority for their relationship. (Related: Russia to strengthen economic ties with China amid sanctions imposed by western countries.) Moreover, Putin expressed readiness to increase oil and liquefied natural gas to China, as well as to assist it in building nuclear power stations. " Aside from this, he added that both countries are planning to build more roads and bridges – further bolstering their transport links.

Xi: Change is coming

Red Pill referenced Putin's remarks about Russia and China's strong opposition to violating the interests of other countries for their own advantage. A joint statement released by the Kremlin echoed this sentiment, stating that relations between the two countries "do not constitute a bloc, do not have a confrontational nature and are not directed against third countries." She also expounded on Xi's declaration that "change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years, and [Russia and China] are driving this change together." "So, either they're working against the world or they're working to set the world free from the NWO," said Red Pill. "I believe that is the case." Moreover, she mentioned that both Russia and China are core members of the BRICS group – alongside Brazil, India and South Africa. This group has been developing trading partnerships with other nations using their respective currencies, stepping away from the NWO and the almighty dollar. Both nations are also meeting with several countries in Africa to establish trade links. Putin said these African countries were in favor of using the Chinese yuan for trade settlements among their countries and those in Asia and Latin America. The Russian leader expressed confidence that trade settlements in yuan will develop between Russia and its partners in the Third World. Red Pill said the BRICS group has been closely working together to trade based on gold and hard assets instead of the dollar – whose value is being destroyed. She explained that a country's economy is going to collapse when so much money is being printed, as in the case of Venezuela. BRICS member countries clearly took this warning to heart, she added. Visit for more stories about the NWO cabal. Watch the March 22 episode of the "Freedom Force Battalion" below. "Freedom Force Battalion" with Melissa Red Pill airs every Wednesday at 11 a.m.-12 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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