New Zealand activist Posie Parker attacked with tomato soup, water and placards for saying that only real females are women
By ethanh // 2023-03-29
The cult of transgender delusion nearly murdered a woman this week for stating publicly that a biological male is not, and can never be, a "woman." Women's rights activist Posie Parker appeared in New Zealand's Albert Park to deliver a speech about what it means to be a woman. Citing biology and science, Parker clarified, in essence that cutting off one's genitals and putting on a wig and an ugly dress does not a woman make. For telling the truth, Parker was attacked by an angry mob, which threw placards, water, and tomato soup all over her. Parker had to be escorted off the stage and out of the vicinity for her own safety after "huge men screamed insults and expletives in her face." "I genuinely thought that if I fell to the floor, I would never get up again," Parker revealed about the horrific incident. "My children would lose their mother and my husband would lose his wife." Watch the video footage below, which was captured the moment that Parker had to be escorted away from the rally for her own safety: (Related: A few years back, a trans activist called "Alok Vaid-Menon" stated that it thinks "little girls are kinky.")

No, a biological male can never be a "woman"

Parker's "crime" was to state in public that "a woman is an adult human female" – and nothing else. No amount of play-pretend or delusional mental illness can ever change that fact, despite what the most vocal and violent trans extremists claim. "Next time you're reading a history book and find yourself wondering how Salem came to be consumed by such swirling hysteria, watch the clips of Posie's persecution in New Zealand. This is how it happens," wrote Brendan O'Neill for The Spectator about the disturbing incident. "This is how the fear of witches can overrule reason and unleash the darkest, most punitive passions of the mob." Parker, whose real name is Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, is a well-known figurehead who defends real women and the biology that defines them. She does not accept the trans delusions that are sweeping the West, and because of this she is hated by the trans cult. Parker regularly organizes public events called "Let Women Speak" across not only New Zealand but also Australia, the United Kingdom, and even parts of the United States. For the past several weeks, her focus has been on Australia and New Zealand. "She thinks a man never becomes a woman, no matter how many hormones he takes or surgeries he undergoes," O'Neill explained about what Parker believes. "She thinks if you were born male, you will die male, and in the time in between you have no right whatsoever to enter any women-only space." "This is heresy. Dissenting from the gospel of gender ideology is to the 21st century what dissenting from the actual gospels was to the 15th. And so Parker must be punished. It was a modern-day stoning, so mercifully they only threw soup and water and planks of cardboard at the blasphemer." While most of the U.S. is thankfully of the same mindset as Parker, things are moving in the wrong direction, especially when those opposed to the truth are becoming public school teachers who make it their mission to indoctrinate the next generation into rejecting biology, science, and truth. The latest news about the trans cult's violent tendencies can be found at Sources for this article include: