Jane Fonda called for pro-life Christians to be MURDERED right before TRANS terrorist assassinated six Christians in Nashville
By ethanh // 2023-04-02
In the days leading up to transgender Audrey Hale's murderous rampage at The Covenant School in Nashville, washed-up actress and left-wing activist Jane Fonda appeared on The View to express her desire for all pro-life Christians to be murdered. The segment, which you can watch below, shows Fonda participating in a panel on the daytime talk show that almost nobody watches. See for yourself as Fonda admits to the world that she thinks violence is the solution to her political opponents. "We have experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and how many children to have. We know what that feels like. We know what that's done for our lives. We're not going back. I don't care what the laws are: we're not going back," Fonda stated to loud and wild cheers from the female audience. "We're not going to do it. We're going to fight," she added as the clapping continued. Joy Behar then interjected with a question. "Besides marching and protesting, what else do you suggest?" Behar asked of Fonda. "Well, it does involve murder," Fonda responded. "What did you say?" asked a guest. "Murder," Fonda clarified. The cackling brood then tried to speak for Fonda, stating that she was "just kidding" and "just joking," to which Fonda then smirked and raised her plastic surgery-wrecked face as if to suggest that she was not, in fact, joking and really does want to murder those who want to protect unborn humans from being slaughtered in the womb. (Related: California recently legalized the state-sponsored trafficking of children to get castrated and mutilated as transgenders without their parents' permission.)

Is Jane Fonda complicit in the murder of six Christians at The Covenant School in Nashville?

The fact that these statements were made just days before a deranged transgender shot up a school full of pro-life Christians is disturbing. Perhaps Hale saw the Fonda segment days before she was inspired to go postal at her alma mater. As you may have noticed, even Behar was stunned by Fonda's admissions, warning that they might be used by those who cannot stand the cackling brood to portray them as they truly are: a bunch of deranged baby murderers who cannot contain their hatred for the unborn and those who seek to protect the unborn. "So we can blame Jane Fonda now, right?" asked someone on Twitter after watching the disturbing clip. "This is how it works? Remember who they blamed for January 6." "Wouldn't that be considered hate speech?" asked another about Fonda's violent rhetoric. Someone else in the comment section could not help but point out that Fonda and her ilk are the very same people who were once proclaiming from the rooftops that "we're all in this together." Now, she has become a "violent, hate-filled, mentally disturbed mercenary," apparently. "One day the propaganda media whores may very well become the victims of what they have created, coddled, and endorsed," stressed someone else about how all that violent rhetoric and the actions that stem from it often have a funny way of turning back around on the perpetrators like a boomerang. "They're deviants," said another, noting that almost nobody – and certainly nobody normal – supports the sentiments of the likes of Fonda. "It will never be accepted or normalized, no matter how hard they try." The latest news about deranged leftists who want to murder everyone who contradicts their lust for child mutilation can be found at Transhumanism.news. Sources include: Revolver.news NaturalNews.com