Josselyn Berry, Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs' press secretary, resigns after tweeting an image promoting more gun violence against "transphobes"
By ethanh // 2023-04-02
The press secretary of Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs has resigned from her post after tweeting a highly offensive meme encouraging transgender extremists to shoot up their opponents. Josselyn Berry, whose Twitter profile has since gone private, responded to the Nashville transgender school shooting with an image from the 1980 film Gloria depicting a female character holding a revolver in each hand, along with the message: "Us when we see transphobes." Ben Kew, editor-at-large of Red State, screen-captured the image and retweeted it before Berry's tweet was removed and her Twitter profile turned private: The takeaway message that Berry implied was one of support for Audrey Hale's murderous rampage. It would seem as though Berry was happy about the tragedy, and proceeded to encourage and egg on her followers to continue the trend. (Related: By all appearances, Katie Hobbs stole the governor's election in Arizona much like Joe Biden stole the White House.)

How many other leftist politicians are harboring excitement over a trans lunatic shooting up a Christian school?

As you might expect, the world was outraged upon learning about Berry's celebration of the school shooting. Had a conservative tweeted this kind of thing following the Pulse Nightclub shooting, all hell would have broken loose and that person's career destroyed forever. In this case, liberals everywhere seemed to echo Berry's sentiments and had no problems with what she tweeted. It was not until enough pressure was levied that Berry voluntarily resigned – when she should have been fired immediately and investigated for potential criminal activity. "This is what @katiehobbs press secretary decided to tweet after a trans militant shut [sic] up a school," tweeted conservative commenter Matt Walsh about the incident. "Any republican would be fired for this in an instant. We're done with the double standard. @joss_berry must be fired." Walsh would tweet again with information about how to contact Katie Hobbs and her office directly: Mailing address: State Capitol, 1700 West Washington, Phoenix, AZ, 85007 Phone: (602) 542-4331 Fax: (602) 542-7601 Prior to Berry's voluntary resignation, the Arizona Freedom Caucus likewise demand that she be immediately dismissed. "Less than 12 hours after the tragic shooting in Nashville by a deranged transgender activist @katiehobbs' Press Secretary calls for shooting people Democrats disagree with," the group tweeted, further calling Berry's message a "vile tweet encouraging violence." "Calling for violence like this is un-American & never acceptable ... @joss_berry should be fired immediately." So far, Berry's Twitter account remains active. Despite conservative darling Elon Musk being in charge, there has been no action taken against this person and her call to violence. In the comments, many people expressed anger and outrage over the double standard that Walsh likewise mentioned. "'Trans day of vengeance?' Sounds like a zombie film," one person said. "As I am sure it will be." "Of course, I would be pretty angry, too, if someone chopped off my peepee. Which is why these whack jobs need to be kept off the streets and far away from children." Another said that he does not believe there is really all that much "widespread outrage" considering the fact that "the general populace of Arizona doesn't seem to care that their recent governor's election was another election scam and criminal operation." "Stolen elections have consequences," this person would further write, encouraging Arizona to take seriously and stand up against the fraudulent election of Hobbs. More of the latest news about deranged leftists and their pro-trans bloodlust can be found at Sources for this article include: