Canada: Father punched in the face and beaten at pro-trans rally: Police refused to do anything
By newseditors // 2023-04-04
Canadian activist Chris Elston, also known as “Billboard Chris,” was recently attacked by a group of individuals in Vancouver. Elston, a champion of protecting children from state sexual interference, was in the city to attend a rally against a proposed ban on conversion therapy. (Article republished from Elston was approached by radical trans-activists who shouted vulgar insults at him and then physically attacked him. The attack was captured on video and has since gone viral on social media. In the video, Elston is shoved to the ground and punched by several individuals. Despite being violently attacked, punched in the face, and left bloodied and bruised, Police determined that the violent assault was provoked and did nothing. The police officer who did not act on the assault claimed that Chris had incited the attack against him by not agreeing with the Trans activists. Here is a video of a conversation with that officer: Former White House aid and journalist Sebastian Gorka reports that the Vancouver police officer’s badge number is 3081. Complaints can be registered by phone at 604-717-3321

Violent Targetting of Billboard Chris

Chris has been campaigning across Canada for years now to protect children from the trans-movement. Elston is a father of two and has been an outspoken critic of the use of hormone blockers and other chemicals in children.. In an exclusive 2021 interview with RAIR Foundation USA, Elston describes how he was targeted by Antifa activists while campaigning in Los Angeles. He states that he was attacked from behind, thrown to the ground, and then had his arm twisted until it broke. He also describes how the attack was premeditated and that Antifa activists had been planning to target him for weeks. Elston believes that the attack was politically motivated, as he has been a vocal opponent of the use of chemical interference in children. He argues that these chemicals can have long-term negative effects on children and that parents should be informed about the risks. The attack against Chris has raised concerns about the safety of individuals who hold views different than the left. Elston has expressed concern for his safety and has called on the government to do more to protect individuals who disagree with their agenda. Elston has called for an end to political violence and a return to civil discourse. He argues that we need to have open and honest discussions about important issues and that violence is not the answer. Read more at: