Globalists think AI will run the world much better than humans ever could
By oliveryoung // 2023-04-04
Globalist groups like the World Economic Forum (WEF) think artificial intelligence (AI) is some kind of technological prophecy. For them, there can be no human progress without the influence of AI algorithms. Globalist propagandists often promote this delusion. Yuval Harari, a prominent member of the WEF, actually believes that AI has creative ability that will replace human imagination and innovation. Harari thinks AI will run the world much better than human beings ever could. In chess, AI analyzes the games much faster than the world's best chess players. But even the most advanced chess engine is not invincible. This is the same in solving a mathematical equation. Calculators or similar tools are obviously faster, but humans are more creative in finding solutions. AI is purely automation. It will play the games it is programmed to play and will learn to play them well, but it will never have an epiphany one day and create a new and unique game from scratch unless it is coded to do so. Humans adapt on the fly. AI machines do not. Also, there's a more sinister purpose behind the globalists' push for AI. When Harari said many people will become part of the "useless class" once AI takes over the economy, he is hinting at another globalist ideology based on elitism: transhumanism. The goal of transhumanism is to merge human bodies and human minds with technology and AI, and only the globalists will have the resources to accomplish this. The globalists want humans to get implants that will allow them to interface with AI. With that, their "usefulness" will be secured.

Tech expert: Robots likely to replace half of all jobs within a decade

Kai-Fu Lee, founder of venture capital firm Sinovation Ventures and a top voice on tech in China, warned years ago that robots are likely to replace 50 percent of all jobs in the next decade. He called AI the "singular thing that will be larger than all of human tech revolutions added together, including electricity, [the] industrial revolution, internet, mobile internet – because AI is pervasive." "It is the decision engine that will replace people," Lee said, adding that AI capabilities far exceed those of humanity. For example, he said, companies in which his firm has invested can accomplish feats such as recognizing three million faces at the same time, or dispersing loans in eight seconds. According to Lee, traditional companies like banks, insurance firms and hospitals are simply moving too slow. "It's too bad because they possess the biggest treasure in the form of troves of data," Lee said. "These are things that are superhuman, and we think this will be in every industry, will probably replace 50 percent of human jobs, create a huge amount of wealth for mankind and wipe out poverty." (Related: Welcome to your jobless future… Artificial intelligence will replace half of all jobs in the next decade.) It's already manifesting now, with mass layoffs after mass layoffs happening in various industries, most notably Big Tech. And if there's one particular industry that would know if AI is ready to take over the workforce, it's Big Tech. But how can AI eliminate poverty if humans are losing their jobs? Well, no one will be considered living below poverty line if the majority of people are eating the same food through rationing. In an article published in Forbes by the WEF, the authors talk about how we will eventually live in a system where your whole life is subscription-based and only the very rich will own any personal property. The WEF itself stated before that in the future, "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy." That's the globalists' plan, and it is slowly taking shape now. Read more news about artificial intelligence at Watch this video that talks about how intelligent is artificial intelligence. This video is from High Hopes channel on

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