Texas Senate approves BANS on sex change for minors, FTM athletes in women's sports
By ramontomeydw // 2023-04-04
The Texas Senate approved two bills aimed at the transgender movement's attacks on both women and children – one preventing gender-related medical interventions and another blocking male-to-female (MTF) trans athletes in women's sports. The upper house of the Texas State Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 14 on March 29. It bans healthcare providers from performing "gender transitioning or gender reassignment procedures" on children below 18 years old. Under the law, the Texas Medical Board is to revoke the licenses of offending physicians and the office of the State Attorney General is allowed to bring actions to enforce it. In particular, SB 14 outlaws sterilizing surgeries, including castrations and hysterectomies, mastectomies and procedures to "remove any otherwise healthy or non-diseased body part or tissue" on minors. It also criminalizes the prescription and dispensing of puberty blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones. (Related: Texas looks to ban sex changes for minors, deeming the barbaric practice "child abuse.") Moreover, it also blocks public funding for any entity or individual that "provides or facilitates gender transition" procedures for children. It also bans Medicaid reimbursement and public health coverage for the practices. Republican State Sen. Donna Campbell, SB 14's author, described her proposal as a "child protection act." She said: "The children need counseling and love, not blades and drugs." SB 14 passed in a 19-11 vote along party lines to take effect on Sept. 1, 2023. However, the bill includes exceptions for children with precocious puberty – which SB 14 described as a  "medically verifiable genetic disorder of sex development" – and an abnormal sex chromosome structure as determined through genetic testing. The current version of the bill is also watered down following Campbell's collaboration with Democratic State Sen. Jose Menendez. His amendment allowed minors already receiving puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones 90 days before the bill take effect to continue doing so.

Separate bill bans MTF athletes in collegiate women's sports

SB 15, which seeks to protect fairness in sports, was also passed by the Texas Senate on March 29. The bill prevented MTF trans athletes from competing in women-only events at the collegiate level. In particular, SB 15 bans intercollegiate athletic teams from allowing students to compete on teams that are not designated for their sex as reflected by an accurate birth certificate. It also stipulates that female students can compete on men's team if no corresponding team for women is available. The legislation also applies to students from other areas that are competing in the Lone Star State. Higher education institutions that violate the law can face civil lawsuits. Whistleblowers who report violations of SB 15 are also afforded protections. Just like SB 15, state senators passed the bill in a 19-10 vote along party lines. GOP State Sen. Mayes Middleton, the author of SB 15, defended the measure during debate on March 28. He told his colleagues: "We are watching the denial right now of one of the most basic truths out there, which is a refusal to acknowledge the biological difference between men and women. We hope every woman in this great state has a fair opportunity at athletic excellence through achievement, and this bill protects that opportunity. SB 15 is an expansion of an earlier bill – House Bill (HB) 25 – that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law back in October 2021. HB 25 prohibited MTF athletes competing in K-12 sports events from competing in categories that do not match the sex indicated in their birth certificate or another government record. While HB 25 applies to elementary and high school, SB 15 applies at the tertiary level. GOP State Rep. Valoree Swanson, HB 25's author, told the Texas Tribune that she is "overjoyed" by the governor signing her bill into law. "It's so very, very important that we protect everything that women have gained in the last 50 years," she said. Visit Transhumanism.news for more stories about transgenderism. Watch JD Rucker discuss how both chambers of the Kentucky General Assembly overturned Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear's veto of a bill protecting children against transgenderism below. This video is from the JD Rucker channel on Brighteon.com.

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