Ukraine calls for more social media censorship of "disinformation"
By ethanh // 2023-04-04
With the support of seven other infiltrated Central and Eastern European countries, Ukraine, under the leadership of welfare queen Volodymyr Zelensky, has issued a call to action with demands for even more social media censorship to fight "disinformation" online. An open letter to Meta (the parent company of Facebook) that was signed by Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania alleges that disinformation online is destabilizing all of these countries and undermining the European Union's centralized support for Ukraine amid Russia's ongoing special operation. Zelensky and his comrades claim that not enough is being done to silence free speech online, which they claim is threatening peace, stability, and democracy throughout the world. Thus, Zelensky wants Facebook and other Big Tech companies to muzzle even harder those users who would dare to defy the globalist narrative that Ukraine is some kind of victim of foreign aggression. It is simply not enough for billions of American tax dollars to continue to be funneled into Zelensky's coffers. Too many people still do not support Ukraine and its dozens of Pentagon-controlled biolaboratories, which is why Zelensky wants the First Amendment to end and his narrative to be the only narrative that persists. "Tech giants are implored to remain vigilant and avoid inadvertently advancing hostile goals," reported Reclaim the Net, citing the open letter. "Specific steps recommended in the letter include refusing payments from sanctioned individuals, increasing algorithmic transparency, and adjusting algorithms to prioritize accuracy over user engagement." "Furthermore, the leaders insist that platforms dedicate adequate resources to content 'moderation' and address the growing challenges posed by deep fakes and AI-generated disinformation.

Meta responds to letter, says it is expanding its "fact checking" capabilities across Eastern Europe

Meta has already responded to the open letter with a promise that it continues to expand its "fact checking" capabilities overseas – particularly in the countries that signed the letter. Meta's goal, it says, is to ensure that only Zelensky-approved information passes the filters. Everything else, the tech giant indicated, will be flagged for shadow-banning or removal so as to prevent Central and Eastern Europeans from encountering any independent information that might cause them to question Zelensky and the West's version of events. Another thing Meta decided to do was restrict all access to Russian state-controlled media while adding special labels to posts that in any way take Russia's side. Facebook users will now encounter a warning before they click or share such links. "Social media has become a potent channel for spreading false and manipulative narratives," the letter states. "Big tech companies should be vigilant and resist being used as means of advancing such goals. They should take steps to ensure that their platforms are not being used to spread propaganda or disinformation that promotes war, justifies war crimes, crimes against humanity or other forms of violence." "Big Tech companies should increase cooperation and engagement with a wide range of stakeholders – governments, civil society, experts, academia, independent media and fact-checkers. They are essential partners for an effective whole-of-society response to the threat." The letter concludes that any information outside that which is approved by Zelensky and Ukraine represents "manipulation" and "interference" that poses a threat "to democracy, stability, and national security." "Big tech companies have the power to be vital allies in our common effort to tackle hostile information attacks against democracies and international rules-based order," it further states towards the end. "We urge you to join forces with democratic governments and civil society and work together to protect the integrity of information and ensure the security of our societies." Zelensky and the Left hate free speech. To learn more, visit Sources for this article include: