Illegals pose as migrant children to get expedited access across U.S. border
By arseniotoledo // 2023-04-05
A new report from Florida has found that many illegal immigrants into the United States – some of them gang members and others who end up becoming murderers – are posing as migrant children to get through the border. This is according to a five-month-long investigation by the Florida Statewide Grand Jury, an arm of Attorney General Ashley Moody's office. The findings of the investigation show that there is a pipeline in the U.S. where migrant children, many of whom are actually adults in disguise, arrive at the southern border, are taken into Department of Homeland Security custody, are then turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and then released to sponsors across the United States. (Related: Drug cartel apologizes, hands over members responsible for murder of two Americans during kidnapping attempt.) "Many of the facts we have learned are depressing to contemplate and provoke a great deal of outrage," wrote the Statewide Grand Jury. This report comes more than 18 months after 24-year-old Yery Noel Medina Ulloa of Honduras murdered 46-year-old Francisco Javier Cuellar, a father of four. Ulloa posed as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) to cross the border and get released into the American interior. Ulloa was sent to live with Cuellar and his family.

Thousands of migrant "children" still roaming around the American interior

According to the Statewide Grand Jury's findings, during the fiscal year of 2021 alone, HHS discovered at least 105 so-called children that were later determined to actually be adults, including men and women ranging in age from 27 to 37. The adults often arrive at the U.S. border with fake documents showing their age as minors. In one month alone in El Paso, Texas, in 2022, Border Patrol agents arrested seven adults aged 19 to 26 who attempted to cross the border by claiming to be UACs. And in the past 12 months, agents in that sector of the border were able to discover at least 665 adult illegal aliens who tried to pose as UACs to gain expedited entry into the United States. The Statewide Grand Jury found that none of the cases "resulted in a report to ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] or any other law enforcement authority" even if the report was just for another agency to take a second look at the documents presented by the supposed UACs. Instead, officials were told to report the matter to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), a program of the Administration for Children and Families within HHS. Some officials were even misled into believing they were reporting the incident to the Federal Bureau of Investigation rather than the ORR. "More incredibly, the adults posing as children were simply taken out of the facility and released, as one manager put it, 'into the wild,'" wrote the Statewide Grand Jury. "The 'minors' were permitted to submit other documents, supposedly more legitimate than the first set." The presence of fake UACs within the thousands of migrants crossing the U.S. border each year presents a clear security concern. In the last budget year, Border Patrol reported taking into custody 127,447 UACs, a nearly fivefold increase from the number reported in the 2015 fiscal year. There is no telling how many of those unaccompanied migrant children actually are children or are dangerous adults in disguise. Learn more about the state of illegal immigration in the United States and the country's border policies at Watch this episode of the "Health Ranger Report" as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, interviews Michael Yon about how Americans are being exterminated and replaced with illegal immigrants. This is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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