On the Frontlines: Biden administration plans to give amnesty to up to 18M illegal aliens – Brighteon.TV
By bellecarter // 2023-04-06
Up to 18 million illegals have passed through the border under the Joe Biden administration. Instead of hunting them down, Biden's government wants to give them amnesty. This was the sentiment of Ann Vandersteel, Brighteon.TV host and Zelenko Freedom Foundation co-chair, during her sit-down interview in the inaugural episode of "On the Frontlines" with Christie Hutcherson, founder of Women Fighting for America. According to Hutcherson, data shows that about 12 to 18 million people have illegally crossed the border during the Biden regime. Data is available via private camera systems, ranchers and other sources at the four borders (Pacific Coast, Atlantic Coast, Canadian border and southern border), but the federal government actually doesn't pull them. "It's startling because I don't think the federal government really is going to tell us the truth about that. Or they won't. Instead, they're advocating to just give them all amnesty," Vandersteel said. Hutcherson concurred, adding that the influx of illegals is straining the school systems, welfare systems, hospital services, law enforcement, housing and even the supply chain. "Everything that we need as Americans to thrive, they are actually raping from us. Where do you think they're getting all of this housing and clothing? They're coming from taxpayer dollars. And we are already way underwater. This is not sustainable," Hutcherson lamented. Elsewhere in the show, the duo discussed a major story that has not been made public yet – the tunnel systems. According to a BBC report, a huge drugs tunnel has been found running from Tijuana in Mexico to a warehouse in San Diego in the United States. Hutcherson talked about how the operations could not just be bringing typical drugs or humans in and out of these tunnels. "There's something a little bit more nefarious happening with these tunnel systems," she warned. "And I also believe that our own government clearly understands that these tunnels are there and I think in some ways have actually helped build these tunnels." But Hutcherson and Vandersteel are optimistic that this could finally make it to mainstream reporting. "We have the open borders and terrorists flowing through our country on the northern border as well. I've been reporting on that for over two years. And I'm finally glad to see Fox and everybody else is kind of catching up," Hutcherson said, highlighting the major implications the underground excavations bring.

Canadian police found 6 people dead near the Canada-US border

Late evening on March 30, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service (AMPS) found six dead people in a marshy area of Quebec near Canada's border with New York state. During the news conference the next day, deputy police chief Lee-Ann O'Brien said the bodies belonged to two families, one of Romanian descent with Canadian passports and the other Indian. At least one child under the age of three was among the dead while another infant also believed to be from the Romanian family was missing, they said. "All are believed to have been attempting illegal entry into the U.S. from Canada," O'Brien added. (Related: USBP agents report 743% increase in illegal migrants trying to cross northern border.) The police said they were awaiting the results of post-mortem and toxicology tests to determine the cause of death. Last month, AMPS and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police reported an increase in illegal entries through their lands and waterways, with migrants citing they are requiring hospitalization. They also noted that people involved in human smuggling had attempted to use shorelines along the Saint Lawrence River in the area. Meanwhile, Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently announced a plan to close a loophole in an immigration agreement that allowed thousands of asylum-seeking migrants to move between the two countries along a back road linking New York state to Quebec. Visit InvasionUSA.news for stories on illegal migration and Biden's "soft" policies on this. Watch the full March 26 episode of "On the Frontlines" with Christie Hutcherson featuring Ann Vandersteel below. Catch new episodes of the program every Sunday at 1:00 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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Sources include:

Brighteon.com PRNewsWire.com BBC.com CBSNews.com AlJazeera.com