Human bird flu treatment drug has interesting side effect – it makes people believe FALSE NARRATIVES
By bellecarter // 2023-04-06
Big Pharma's new "blockbuster" drug to address the avian flu plandemic has a rather interesting side effect: It makes people who take it believe "false narratives that cannot be changed by facts." Mac Slavo of SHTF Plan expounded on this drug called peramivir, sold under the trade name Rapivab. The drug made by Durham, North Carolina-based BioCryst Pharmaceuticals has two adverse effects of note – "holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by the fact" and "seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there." Other side effects based on its insert sheet made people look and act like zombies. Slavo questioned the need for peramivir, given that bird flu isn't even circulating in humans yet. Moreover, the media insists that the bird flu's transmission risk is low. "This news comes as many warn that the ruling class … is going to use a bird flu bioweapon to infect the masses with something that will actually do harm that they will notice," he said. "Unlike the COVID-19 [Wuhan coronavirus] scamdemic, '[bird flu] will get attention this time,' as Bill and Melinda Gates have said." In April of last year, news of a highly pathogenic bird flu strain ripped through chicken and turkey flocks in the U.S. that triggered the slaughter of these animals. An article by En-Volve stated: "Historically, however, the bird flu has never posed a threat to mankind – that is, until scientists started tinkering with it, creating a hybrid with human pandemic potential." Alexis Baden-Mayer, political director of of the Organic Consumers Association, said bird flu isn't transmitted from person to person and there are no food safety risks associated with it. The only way it would jump to humans, she added, is if the virus would be manipulated to become transmissible to humans. (Related: Bill Gates: Next pandemic likely to be man-made and worse than COVID-19.) Reports have confirmed, however, that the Microsoft co-founder and infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci are conducting gain-of-function research on the avian flu pathogen – in the same manner as their manipulation of SARS-CoV-2.

New drug being pushed in time for new "plandemic"

Peramivir's release appears to be timed with remarks that the next pandemic after COVID-19 is looming. Even Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warned of this pandemic that will stem from gain-of-function research. "We're going to have another pandemic, and I think it's going to be the great pandemic," Redfield said in an interview. "I consider COVID-19 a minor pandemic, [and] the great pandemic's going to come. It's much more probable that it will happen because of gain-of-function research in a laboratory. [Then] we're going to have a pandemic … which will be much more brutal to the world than COVID-19 was." True enough, both Fauci and Gates have been funding research by Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka to identify mutations in different bird flu viruses that could have pandemic potential. In one experiment, the Japanese virologist combined the pathogen behind the Spanish flu and bird flu to create a new virus capable of human transmission. He also created an airborne hybrid of the bird flu and swine flu viruses that can completely evade the human immune system, leaving people completely defenseless against it. Aside from Kawaoka, Fauci has also funded the work of Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier and his team. The researchers from the Netherlands has been creating an airborne version of bird flu using genetic engineering and the serial infection of ferrets. Watch this "Brighteon Broadcast News" segment where the Health Ranger Mike Adams discusses the "zombie bird flu" narrative pushed by the government, media and Big Pharma. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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