Washington state spends millions of taxpayer dollars buying three-year supply of abortion pills
By ethanh // 2023-04-07
In anticipation of a possible nationwide ban on the abortion drug mifepristone, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee ordered the state's Department of Corrections to buy up a three-year supply of the baby-killing pharmaceutical using state tax dollars, we have learned. Inslee first issued the directive to place the order last month, according to a government statement. Washington state's Department of Corrections holds a pharmacy license and is thus legally permitted to dispense the abortion drug on demand. The entire shipment of the drug arrived on March 31 following a consideration by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, based out of Amarillo, Tex., to potentially order the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reconsider its 22-year-old approval for the pill, which is the most commonly used abortion drug in the United States. "Health care should be decided by a patient and their [sic] doctor, not a judge in Texas," Inslee tweeted in celebration of the drug order, which he added will allow "continued access" to abortion on demand for all Washington residents. "Today, I announced that Washington state has taken unprecedented action to purchase a three-year-supply of mifepristone, an abortion medication used safely for more than two decades," Inslee added. (Related: Abortion lovers everywhere were demanding this and now they have it, thanks to Inslee.)

Inslee is violating the rule of law by storing and distributing pharmaceuticals illegally without a license

Ever since the abolition of Roe v. Wade, the abortion debate has flared up and spread like wildfire across America. Leftists everywhere have been screeching like wild hyenas about their "right" to murder the unborn, and states have become divided on the issue. Washington, which leans far to the left, has taken the pro-murder position because, according to Inslee, abortion is an important part of women's health care. "A ruling from Texas any day could jeopardize access to mifepristone nationwide, but this action ensures continued access for all patients in Washington," Inslee added in a statement. "Thanks to legislators such as Sen. Karen Keiser and Rep. Jessica Bateman for supporting this effort." Jerrod Sessler, who is running for Congress in Washington state in the upcoming 2024 election, responded to Inslee's tweets with one of his own condemning the decision. "This heinous move aligns with your ineffective, always-damaging leadership," Sessler wrote to Inslee. "You now murderously violate the rule of law by storing & distributing pharmaceuticals without the proper licensing. I pray this illegal & deadly stockpile becomes infested with maggots." Another blasted Inslee for his hypocritical statements about patients in Washington supposedly having the right to accept or reject a medicine under the care of their doctor without government interference. "Healthcare should be decided by a patient and his doctor except when I, Kingslee, say you need to inject your body with a poison then healthcare is decided by me," this person mocked, referring to Inslee's Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" mandate. "Health care should be decided by a patient and their doctor, not a [politician demanding you get a Covid vaccine]," wrote another towards the same end. Many on Twitter excoriated Inslee for spending taxpayer money without permission, while others questioned how the ruling is not exactly "safe" for unborn babies in Washington state. "Safely? How many babies survived?" one of them said, standing up for all the unborn children who will die because of Inslee. "But you fired me from my job for making my own health care decision that was decided on by my doctor and myself?" said another, referring to Inslee's covid jab and masking requirements during the scamdemic. The West has become a death cult shrine to the murdered unborn. Learn more at Genocide.news. Sources for this article include: Reuters.com NaturalNews.com