ChiComs have infiltrated Canada's federal government for 30 YEARS, reveals retired spy
By kevinhughes // 2023-04-11
The federal government of Canada has been "compromised by agents of Communist China" since at least the 1990s, according to a retired spy. Michel Juneau-Katsuya, who formerly worked for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), made this revelation during a meeting of the Canadian House of Commons. In his testimony before the ethics committee, Juneau-Katsuya said there were a few federal ridings or electoral districts that served as "hunting grounds" for agents of the Chinese Communist Party. "We have seen similar ridings constantly being targeted particularly where there was a great number of Chinese Canadian residents," said the erstwhile spy formerly with the CSIS's Asia-Pacific desk. "These are the hunting grounds of the consular offices." Juneau-Katsuya responded in the affirmative when asked to furnish evidence of his claims. The former spy said: "We have evidence, names [and] circumstances when all this happened." He told lawmakers that CSIS has known about Beijing's interference in Ottawa for "at least the last 30 years," but the federal government turned a blind eye to these concerns. "Every federal government from [former Canadian Prime Minister Brian] Mulroney to [incumbent Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau today has been compromised by agents of Communist China. Every government was informed at one point or another, [but] chose to ignore CSIS warnings," Juneau-Katsuya said.

Politicians are easy targets for foreign interference

The former spy continued that the government of every prime minister, whether Conservative or Liberal, was "infiltrated by agents of influence acting on behalf of the Chinese government." This resulted in Ottawa making "decisions that were questionable about China and can only be explained by interference exercised from within." (Related: Western Canada has already fallen to Communist China – America may have a chance, but only if it stands united.) Asked why this has been the case, Juneau-Katsuya explained that governments have allowed their decision-making to be influenced by "partisanship and agents of influence succeeding in controlling the message" and that "every prime minister or their staff chose to ignore the seriousness of the threat." Former CSIS Executive Manager Dan Stanton also testified before the committee. He told lawmakers that politicians were "easy" targets for "foreign interference," adding that this meddling "has eclipsed classic espionage as a national security threat both in terms of its scope and its speed." Stanton remarked: "Why risk stealing another state's secrets when you can influence and manipulate the targeted country's policymakers; when you can get close to what we consider the soft underbelly of the state?" The former CSIS official also pointed out that China was "the A-Team" of deception and the world's best at it. According to Stanton, China's level of sophistication and confidence that borders on arrogance has made them the most daunting threat from a foreign intelligence perspective. Visit for more stories about Beijing meddling in other nations' political affairs. Watch this G News report explaining why every person worldwide must unite against the Chinese Communist Party.
This video is from the Chinese taking down EVIL CCP channel on

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