Trudeau gov't 2023 budget includes $36 million for abortion, slams overturning of Roe v. Wade
By newseditors // 2023-04-13
OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) –– The 2023 federal budget of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has earmarked $36 million to fund the promotion of abortion over three years starting in 2024, while at the same time including text which blasted America’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last year. (Article by Anthony Murdoch republished from The 388-page budget was released on March 28 and was tabled by Trudeau’s Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. A section of the budget is titled, “Safeguarding Access to Abortion and Other Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Services.”   This portion of the budget reads, “With a woman’s right to choose under threat around the world, the federal government is ensuring that abortion services are accessible across Canada.”  “The federal government is committed to ensuring that no Canadian pays out of pocket to receive an abortion,” it says.   The Trudeau government budget also claims that “Abortion is health care” which needs to be protected considering the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of the 1973 pro-abortion Roe v. Wade last June. The budget states, “the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States served as a reminder that we must continue to do everything we can to protect Canadians’ access to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health care services, including abortion care.”  When Roe v. Wade was first overturned, Trudeau himself lamented the decision, calling the ruling “horrific” and adding that his “heart goes out to the millions of American women who are now set to lose their legal right to an abortion.”  According to Paul Tuns, the editor of pro-life newsletter The Interim’s, as noted in a blog by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) Director of Communications Pete Baklinski, using such language in a federal budget is inappropriate political rhetoric.  “Budgets should outline the fiscal plan of a government and eschew political rhetoric,” wrote Tuns. “By this test, the 2023 Trudeau-Freeland budget fails repeatedly, most notably in the short section on abortion. Comments about the overturning of Roe v. Wade and claims that ‘a woman’s right to choose under threat’ globally are not budget items.”  “There is no mention of how the government will spend $36 million promoting abortion, only the rhetoric ‘justifying’ its decision. There is no outline, plan or metrics provided for how this money will be used,” he charged.   According to the budget, the $36 million will go to fund a “Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund,” which the government says “supports community-based organizations that help make access to abortion, as well as other sexual and reproductive health care information and services, more accessible for vulnerable populations.” The pro-abortion group Action Canada will get a $10.9 million funding grant from the Trudeau government to “improve comprehensive sexual and reproductive health.” Commenting on this spending, Baklinski wrote, “Trudeau is no friend of women in his attempt to financially strangle the organizations that exist to help pregnant women in crisis while funneling funds to those organizations that want to help women in the murder of their own flesh and blood.” “Our country and its leaders are morally sick when the murder of preborn Canadians is pushed in a budget document. What is it going to take for our country to wake up to the terrifying reality that human children are being killed and it’s supported by government budgets? The blood of the aborted innocents is crying out from the ground. Who will hear the cry and respond?”  

Pregnancy is ‘not a disease’ 

Baklinski said that the Trudeau Liberals saying abortion is “healthcare” is absolutely “wrong.”   “Health care is the organized provision of medical care to people so that they can maintain or improve their health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, or injury,” he noted.  “Pregnancy is not a disease, illness, or injury. Healthcare aims at increasing vitality in the recipient and in no way intentionally ends human life. Since abortion is the direct and intentional killing of a preborn human being living within his or her mother, abortion is not health care.”   As remarked by Baklinski, the government is “focusing on the wrong ‘vulnerable population.’ The most vulnerable population is children in the womb.”  “Abortion targets and kills some 100,000 preborn children annually. Abortion is Canada’s leading cause of death, followed by cancer and heart disease,” he lamented. Baklinski stressed that “children in the womb are fully human, deserving of the same rights and protections that are afforded to every other human being.”  “Children are our country’s greatest asset and promise for the future. A country that kills its own children is killing its future and its hope,” he wrote.   Earlier in the month CLC slammed the continued promotion of abortion by the Trudeau government as “diabolical” after a report by a Canadian non-profit found that because of underreporting in the abortion industry, the nation’s true abortion rate is even higher than was previously known. Abortion was first decriminalized in Canada in 1969, under Justin’s father, then-Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau.  Following in his father’s footsteps, the Trudeau government has increased its attacks on the pro-life movement in Canada in recent years.  Before Christmas, Trudeau’s pro-abortion government reaffirmed it remains committed to stripping pro-life organizations of their charitable tax status, a move that has been blasted by CLC. Unlike in the United States, abortion in Canada exists in a legal vacuum since being decriminalized. The 1988 Morgentaler decision saw the Supreme Court of Canada throw out the last remaining abortion law on the basis that it was unconstitutional. Since then, there exists no federal law regulating abortion, and thus the practice is permitted through all nine months of pregnancy.  Read more at: