Move over, Pierre Delecto: It looks as if AOC has a burner account, and it's a doozy
By newseditors // 2023-04-16
A burner account, kids, is an anonymous account that a person, often a public figure, uses in order to have the freedom to say things that the public figure in question wouldn’t dare say if they could be attributed to him or her. One of the most notorious burner accounts was Mitt Romney’s Pierre Delecto, which he used to champion the last principled, upright politician in the land, a chap named Mitt Romney. (Article by Robert Spencer republished from Now, however, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been unmasked as the operator of a burner account that gives old Pierre a run for his money. AOC has apparently even used it to wish death on at least one person. What? You thought Leftists were as sweet, loving, and tolerant as they claim to be? The account, @zazasmoka, “zaza demon,” has now been deleted, but screenshots abound, and there is evidence a-plenty that it was AOC’s account. First, the name: “Zaza” can be a short form of “Alexander” or, of course, “Alexandria.” But that’s not what tied the account to AOC; the congresswoman did that herself by replying as AOC on the zaza demon account, forgetting to switch back to her main account. On April 1, AOC defended her rudeness to Chaya Raichik, that is, Libs of TikTok, by tweeting: “NYC doesn’t play with bigots and transphobes and neither do I.” Another Twitter user responded by attacking AOC from the Left: “But you vote to send money to Nazis and to fund the Israeli apartheid. But hey, at least you stood up to a TikTok star.” To that, AOC replied, but from the zaza demon account: “Lol and what makes you think that i did anything to support nazis? You’re delusional. Seek help.” Whoops. Zaza demon also spoke up in defense of AOC. When another Twitter user criticized her for her interactions with Raichik, tweeting “you didnt even recognize her when you took a photo with her lmao,” zaza demon replied, “Is that supposed to mean anything besides how forgettable and basic ‘libs of tiktok’ is? Shes a worthless c**t.” Your language is as charming as it is compelling, Congresswoman! Worst of all was when Matt Walsh tweeted this on March 28: “I came to the conclusion years ago that the trans movement is the greatest evil our country faces. I only become more and more sure of this fact with each passing day, and more and more determined to oppose it until my last breath.” That was far too much for zaza demon, who replied, “You are a hateful little freak and i cant wait until you p*ss off a trans person that actually is as unhinged as you claim to say they all are. Can’t be a bigot if you’re no longer breathing:)” Is wishing death on a political opponent worthy of disciplinary action in Congress? Don’t hold your breath: that would only be the case if AOC were an America-First patriot. AOC even came close to admitting that she was zaza demon before deleting the account altogether: “Wow the schizophrenic twitter guy cracked the code yes im aoc or whatever ooooo im in your walls.” Soon after that, the account was gone. Now, it’s remotely possible that zaza demon is not AOC at all. That scenario would work this way: perhaps under the influence of some controlled substances, zaza demon, a random Leftist, momentarily came under the grip of a delusion that he or she was AOC, and replied to a tweet criticizing the lovely congresswoman in the first person, as if he or she were in fact the former bartender and current dedicated servant of the people. After all, if men can come to believe that they’re women and vice versa, then certainly some random Twitter user can get the idea that he or she is the famed representative from New York, right? It could also be a prank by some conservative trying to make AOC look bad, but if so, it has been carefully planned for months by someone who never broke character; the zaza demon Twitter account was opened last August and has been filled with Leftist twaddle ever since. The deletion of the account after all this, however, just makes the whole thing more suspicious. The simplest explanation is that AOC tweeted as AOC from her burner account, realized her mistake, and deleted the account altogether. The whole ugly thing has been saved, however; you can peruse it here. All in all, it’s about what you’d expect from a miseducated millennial with her head filled with far-Left agitprop — retweets of people saying things such as “Conservatives are mad that I called a nazi a nazi” from someone who no doubt would abjectly fail to define “Nazi” accurately, and that sort of thing. If AOC is indeed zaza demon, the Leftist nonsense on her burner account will be her saving grace in the coming days, just in case anyone wants to file an ethics complaint against her for her death wish on Walsh. That sort of investigation is only for conservatives, as Merrick Garland and Alvin Bragg have demonstrated in abundance. Read more at: