In order to beat global warming, UK globalists want to shut down all air travel, meat eating and new construction
By ethanh // 2023-04-17
The group UK FIRES has released a report outlining a blueprint for the United Kingdom to follow in order to reach its New Zero 2050 climate goals – and the recommendations it makes are simply mind-boggling. First of all, the UK government passed a law in April 2021 that would fast-track these plans for full implementation 15 years sooner in 2035, which is just 12 years from now. In addition to shutting down all regional air travel by 2029 and all air travel period by 2049, the report calls for all beef and lamb to disappear as well, and for there to be no new construction after the deadline date, which is apparently now 2035. "UK FIRES is a research programme sponsored by the UK Government, aiming to support a 20% cut in the UK's true emissions by 2050 by placing Resource Efficiency at the heart of the UK's Future Industrial Strategy," the report states using word soup. "Industry is the most challenging sector for climate mitigation – it's energy efficient and there are no substitutes available at scale for the energy-intensive bulk materials – steel, cement, plastic, paper and aluminium. UK FIRES is therefore working towards an industrial renaissance in the UK, with high-value climate-safe UK businesses delivering goods and services compatible with the UK's legal commitment to zero emissions and with much less new material production." It sounds wonderful, does it not? The truth, though, is that the plan involves banning virtually all human activity, especially the kind that drives an economy and creates prosperity. In order to reach net zero, the UK will have to drive its population much closer to zero.

UK climate fanatics admit that "renewable" energy isn't cutting it – earth-based fuels are still the cheapest and best sources of energy

In the executive summary of the report, the very first paragraph admits that the drastic measures being proposed are necessary due to the fact that "breakthrough" energy technologies aimed at replacing earth-based fuels are insufficient to support the economy. All that "green" energy, in other words, is simply not cutting it, hence why more restrictions on human activity are needed. Even if green technologies were ever capable of maturing into something sustainable (hint: they never will be), it will be many, many years before that could ever even happen. According to the report, the only way the UK can reach its climate goals is to "switch to using electricity as our only form of energy," even though most of the world's electricity is derived from -- you guessed it: earth-based fuels like coal and oil. Even if that were to happen, people living in the UK will still need to cut their energy use by 60 percent in order to achieve the goals outlined in the report. So, to make that happen, the general public will need to stop flying in airplanes, stop building new things, and stop eating meat. "Although there are lots of new ideas about electric planes, they won't be operating at commercial scale within 30 years, so zero emissions means that for some period, we'll all stop using aeroplanes," the report overtly states. "In addition, obeying the law of our Climate Change Act requires that we stop doing anything that causes emissions regardless of its energy source," it further states. "This requires that we stop eating beef and lamb – ruminants who release methane as they digest grass – and already many people have started to switch to more vegetarian diets." Be sure to check out the full report if you are interested in learning more about what the globalists have planned for their envisioned "green" future. The latest news about raging climate fanaticism can be found at Sources for this article include: