Right Now with Ann Vandersteel: US to funnel $1B per year to WHO thanks to Biden's NDAA, says James Roguski – Brighteon.TV
By bellecarter // 2023-04-18
The World Health Organization (WHO) receives $1 billion dollars from American taxpayers annually, according to author and activist James Roguski. Roguski made these remarks during his appearance on the April 13 episode of the Brighteon.TV program "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel." He pointed out that under the WHO's pandemic treaty, the U.S. is only obligated to contribute $109 million. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) signed by the Biden administration raised this allocation to the WHO to a whopping $1 billion. "That's a lot of money for you and me. In the grand scheme of things, that's a pittance. Look at what we've been giving to Ukraine. What has happened in the last 20 years is the method by which the money flows into the WHO has been corrupted,"  said Roguski. "The countries that have monkeys running around in nature, they didn't get money pox, but nations that had a lot of money was where that was declared. This is an attempt to redirect tens of billions of dollars right into the pharmaceutical hospital emergency industrial complex." (Related: Human rights activist warns: Pending WHO treaties to usher in TYRANNY in America.) Roguski emphasized the need for the U.S. to remove itself from the WHO, which he did through a Substack article outlining 10 reasons to do so. "All that is needed is to extricate yourself from a treaty," he told Vandersteel.

Vandersteel: Biden put America back in the bottom of the abyss

In May 2020, former President Donald Trump said he would make good on his threat to withdraw from the WHO. He had criticized the global health body for failing to quickly sound the alarm when the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged. Trump also accused the WHO of helping China cover up its involvement in the origins of COVID-19. "Countless lives have been taken and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe," Trump said in a brief statement from the White House. POLITICO reported that in April 2020, the real estate mogul-turned-president temporarily froze U.S funding to the WHO while his administration was reviewing membership. "The U.S has previously contributed over $400 million per year to WHO's $4.8 billion annual budget, more than any other country," it added. Vandersteel remarked that as soon as incumbent President Joe Biden entered the White House in 2021, "he put us right back in the bottom of the abyss here and we're staring at this empty black hole." She also dubbed the WHO as the "world homicide organization." Roguski suggested another alternative – "world hypnosis organization" – that he deemed more appropriate. "Because from its founding back in 1948 – when [former President Harry] Truman signed a joint resolution that got us in – the document itself literally says that: 'We want the world to be a healthier place,'" he said. "But nothing that the WHO says or does should be mandatory. They are an advisory organization to give recommendations, and we can follow them if we wish. The 'hypnotic' part of it is the media. People seem to believe that 'Oh, the WHO has spoken. Therefore, we must obey." Watch the full April 13 episode of "Right Now" with Ann Vandersteel and James Roguski below. Catch new episodes of the program every weeknight at 8-8:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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