Biden regime kicks off "Welcome Corps," encouraging American families to house illegal immigrants in their spare bedrooms
By ethanh // 2023-04-20
Ever since being illegally installed in the White House via a fraudulent election, fake president Joe Biden has been flooding the country with illegal aliens, reversing much of what President Donald Trump accomplished in the years prior to seal the southern border. Now, the Biden regime is looking for new places to house all these invaders, including in your spare bedroom. In a video posted to the ShareAmerica YouTube page, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the launch of a new program called "Welcome Corps" that encourages ordinary Americans to open up their homes to all these new "refugees" that have flooded across the border in recent years. "The Department of State, in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is pleased to announce the creation of the Welcome Corps, a new private sponsorship program that empowers everyday Americans to play a leading role in welcoming refugees arriving through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) and supporting their resettlement and integration as they build new lives in the United States," Blinken states in the video, which you can watch below. "Over the past year, the American people have extended an extraordinarily welcoming hand to our Afghan allies, Ukrainians displaced by war, and Venezuelans and others fleeing violence and oppression. The Welcome Corps will build on Americans' generosity of spirit by creating a durable program for Americans in communities across the country to privately sponsor refugees from around the world. The Welcome Corps is the boldest innovation in refugee resettlement in four decades." (Related: The Biden regime also announced plans this week to expand illegal alien access to "free" taxpayer-funded health care and other exclusive benefits available only to invaders.)

How many illegal aliens will you welcome into your home to please Biden?

The first phase of the Welcome Corps program involves matching refugees with private sponsors so they can be put in placement homes straightaway. This was scheduled to occur within the first six months of 2023, meaning it is already well underway as we near the end of April. Not only has the Biden regime abolished the southern border entirely, allowing untold numbers of illegal invaders to enter at will, but it is welcoming them by rolling out the red carpet and basically facilitating their entry into the country. From there, it is up to you to deal with the fallout, either by housing these people personally or watching them take over your local community. "The idea that Joe is going to let millions of people walk across the southern border and then ask you to take them in as if you were adopting a pet from a shelter may sound like the plot of a Saturday Night Live skit," reports AND Magazine. "When you consider it in context, however, it seems completely consistent with this administration's policy." "The average American believes and expects that our government is at least nominally attempting to control the flow of migrants into this country. That is not even arguably true. In fact, it is now the explicit, formal policy of the United States government to ensure the orderly movement of huge numbers of people into this country. We are not trying to stop them and failing. We are bringing them here." The Biden regime is framing it all much differently, of course, suggesting that this is the "safe, orderly, and humane" way to deal with the illegal immigrant "migration around the world, including to the United States." America has been taken over from within by globalists who want to gut and replace its population with third world invaders. More on this can be found at Sources for this article include: