Pete Buttigieg plans to solve "gender inequity" by spending millions of American tax dollars to buy "female" crash test dummies
By ethanh // 2023-04-25
Following an announcement by Biden regime Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg that "gender inequity" can be fixed by spending millions of American taxpayer dollars on "female" crash test dummies in addition to the ambiguously gendered "male" ones that are commonly used, purple-haired Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a Democrat, praised the homosexual transportation chief for advancing feminism with the move. During a congressional hearing, DeLauro, who presents herself in transgender-type attire, stressed that "female dummies" are needed in the crash test industry to provide equal representation between the two sexes: male and female – one wonders when Buttigieg plans to roll out the transgender test dummies, though. DeLauro proceeded to single out the "use of female dummies" for roadway crash testing as one of her favorite Buttigieg initiatives to produce more "equity" in the United States. "You also plan to make important investments to address the roadway safety crisis, including the critical funding that would accelerate the development – and this is an area that I've written to you about – of the use of female dummies in crash testing," DeLauro told the House Appropriations Committee hearing on the Department of Transportation budget. "This will start to fight the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims." (Related: Remember when Buttigieg was caught pretending to ride a bike to work to show how "green" he is?)

DeLauro is largely responsible for the female crash test dummy initiative

More than a year ago, DeLauro wrote a letter to Buttigieg while on the taxpayer dime, requesting that he take seriously the critically important matter, in her view, of purchasing female crash test dummies, which she claimed will "protect women drivers by requiring the use of accurate, up-to-date female crash test dummies in NHTSA's (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS)." In DeLauro's view, the existing female dummies that are "most commonly used by NHTSA in tests are simply scaled-down versions of the male dummies, which are based on the measurements of an average-sized male from the 1970s." What DeLauro insinuated, in other words, is that today's females are fat and far more obese than the curvy women that existed in the '70s. Consequently, the government must purchase land whale-sized female crash test dummies to accurately ascertain how today's women fare in car wrecks. To really be accurate, though, the new crash test dummies that DeLauro is requesting may also need to come with brightly colored hair, nose piercings, and perhaps a few "abortion on demand" picket signs attached to their hands in order to be truly accurate. In a response letter to DeLauro's initial letter, the NHTSA said back in October that it is currently developing "new, more advanced, female dummies ... that hold great promise for improving safety." Since nobody seems able to define what "male" and "female" even mean anymore, it remains to be seen what these new-and-improved-female crash test dummies will look like – but we are sure they will be a perfect representation of the clown world that America has become under globalist leadership. "They may not realize that by pushing for this, they are admitting that females and males are biologically different, which would put a serious dent in their position regarding trans and sports," one commenter wrote about the hypocrisy of DeLauro's request. "So Pete is working on some things; they are just not important things," wrote another. "It is so much easier than having to go after the BIG problems this country is having – supply and demand, infrastructure crumbling, train derailments, and / or the airline industry." More related news about Buttigieg and the Biden regime can be found at Sources for this article include: