Federal government wants more CONTROL: FDA's Robert Califf calls for more censorship of so-called health "misinformation"
By bellecarter // 2023-04-25
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf is calling for more censorship, particularly around so-called health "misinformation." Califf said during an interview with CNBC that access to health misinformation has made life expectancy worse because people's thinking is greatly influenced by what they read on the internet. He added that the United States is falling behind its peers in the field of health. (Related: FDA Commissioner Robert Califf dishonestly blames "health misinformation" for falling life expectancy rates… no mention of deadly medications or vaccines.) "If you're not thinking about that, talking with your patients about it, asking them where they're getting their information, you're really missing the 95 percent of the time they're getting other information compared to the one percent of the time that they're spending with you as a clinician," the agency head said. "I think there is a real need for better regulation of how we deal with this complex information." Califf further questioned why the U.S. is not using medical products as effectively and efficiently as many of its peers in the developed world. This he once again blamed on so-called health misinformation influencing people to make bad choices.

Califf in league with Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech

In an episode of "The HighWire" with Del Bigtree, co-host and investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen noted that Califf was a longtime paid consultant for several Big Pharma companies, like Merck, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline and Eli Lilly. Califf was also a lead strategy and policy advisor for the Google parent company Alphabet's health subsidiaries. "We have a curious new hybrid, someone with a three-way revolving door with Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Government," said Jaxen. Jaxen also pointed out how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) independent and nonprofit arm, the CDC Foundation, provided around $156 million in funding in 2021 to over 500 "partners" at the national, state and local levels. The said funding was specifically for increasing confidence in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines and boosting vaccination rates. Jaxen further noted how the CDC Foundation was created by Congress "as a go-between." This would allow the CDC to maintain its so-called integrity while providing it with an avenue to interact with Big Pharma and Big Tech. "This nonprofit can interact directly with any corporations that want any NGOs and do this type of work," he exposed. Meanwhile, Bigtree slammed Califf's argument that the government needs to step in and better regulate the health sector because America's life expectancy is declining. He called federal agencies like the FDA and the CDC the primary organizations responsible for the deteriorating quality of Americans' health. "The FDA, the CDC, is poisoning us on a constant basis," he said. "We should be the healthiest people in the world but we are drugged more than anyone else using far more drugs on every single level." Jaxen and Bigtree pointed out how the U.S. pharmaceutical industry's global market share is over 40 percent. China, a nation of over 1.4 billion people, is far second with a market share of just under 11.9 percent. "I don't know what [Califf's] talking about that we're not using the pharmaceutical products enough or that we're not taking them enough or people are getting their information in 'strange ways,'" commented Jaxen. "The United States is 'over-pharma'd.' We are the exemplary country, if there ever was one on the globe." Check out MedicalCensorship.com to read more about how the government, Big Tech and Big Pharma work together to censor vital health information. Watch this clip from "The HighWire" with Del Bigtree as he and Jefferey Jaxen discuss in detail Califf's call for more health censorship. This video is from the channel The HighWire with Del Bigtree on Brighteon.com.

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Sources include:

Brighteon.com DailyCaller.com CNBC.com