America is witnessing DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION of its aviation industry
By kevinhughes // 2023-04-26
Josh Yoder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers (USFF) believes America is now witnessing the deliberate destruction of the aviation industry. "It almost does seem as if it's being done by design. You look at Agenda 2030 and other things that many people don't actually know about. There's language in there that they want to see a reduction of travel. You now see what's happening with 15-minute cities starting over in the United Kingdom," he told "Making Sense of the Madness" guest host Jason Bermas on April 20. "They are really looking to lock you down to ultimately control you, to control your finances. You look at the digital currencies they are trying to rollout currently. It's all about control." He added that these things have nothing to do with safety or freedom. "That's why we need all hands on deck right now. This isn't just an aviation issue. This is something that affects everyone, including the passengers and people on the ground." Yoder recounted how he and a few pilot friends stood up against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate imposed by airline companies. The USFF co-founder and president began to take action on August 2021 after United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby mandated the COVID-19 injections. "We stood up in force. Many of us about 20 percent of people across the industry, we stood up to the airlines. And it was that pushback that we gave that truly put our success on the map. Because airlines can't afford to lose 15 to 20 percent of their workforce and still continue to operate. It's just a testament as to what happens when Americans stand together," Yoder said. (Related: Southwest Airlines "Freedom Flyers" take a stand AGAINST the covid regime, but Resident Biden and mass media in total denial.)

Military commanders yielded to vaccine mandate

Bermas agreed with his guest, and asked Yoder to deliver a message to military members being oppressed for challenging the vaccine mandate in the armed forces. In response. the USFF president called on people from inside the military to stand up for their rights. Yoder continued that while a segment of the military made a lot of noise by standing up against the vaccines, several mid-level commanders in the military did not. Instead, they yielded to the Biden administration's unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Nevertheless, he lauded the soldiers willing to resist the status quo and disobey their senior commanders. The USFF president lamented how the military is being purged of conservatives under a concerted effort by the Biden administration. This has subsequently resulted in the U.S. military becoming weaker compared to the past two decades. "It's incredibly sad to see what's happening. I think that citizens need to stand up and push back. It's coming down to the wire here. We can't depend or rely on the military to save us. It's not going to happen, the government is obviously bought and paid for," Yoder said. "Just like back in the early founding days of this country, it was the average people who realized that they had a responsibility for their freedom – and they stood up. And I think that's where we are again." Follow for more news about the COVID vaccines. Watch this video of Josh Yoder and Jason Bermas on "Making Sense of the Madness" below. This video is from the AMPNews channel on

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