Biden's weakening of the U.S. military, while provoking a nuclear war with China and Russia, makes America a sitting duck
By newseditors // 2023-04-26
No regime can be as incompetent as the Biden regime has shown itself to be, which only leaves one option, the destruction of our military, and our depleting of our weapons and munitions in our Ukraine proxy war with Russia, has been deliberate. (Article by Susan Duclos republished from Lets go back to 2020 for just a moment. We knew when Joe Biden was campaigning from his basement in 2019 that he was a few crayons short of a whole box, and his mental decline has continued to get worse, as evidenced by his own stumbling and bumbling self with each and every outing into the real world that his people allow him. This means the actual decision-making is being done by Biden's handlers. THE PUZZLE PIECES..... After taking a few huge steps back, and trying to see the big picture from coinciding events, as well as separate events, almost like putting a jigsaw puzzle together, in my mind's eye, the picture when finished, is devastating beyond belief. #1. Throughout the past years China and Russia have formed an alliance, from sharing a monetary system (BRICS), to backing each other on the world stage. #2. February 2022, Russia/Ukraine war goes hot. #3. Biden regime starts sending billions to Ukraine, along with weapons and munitions, undermining America's military abilities. #4. The American military goes woke, and produces cartoon recruitment videos. #5. U.S. Military faces severe recruitment shortages.
The US Army is now projecting that for the next two years it will massively fail to recruit as many troops as it hoped, falling short by nearly 40,000 new recruits, according to the latest estimates and testimony from the Army’s second highest leader. “We’ve got unprecedented challenges with both a post-Covid-19 environment and labor market, but also private competition with private companies that have changed their incentives over time,” General Joseph Martin, vice chief of staff of the Army, told the House Armed Services readiness subcommittee on Tuesday. The Army is projecting it likely will fall short of its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goal by as many as 10,000 troops and could miss the fiscal year 2023 recruiting goal by as much as 28,000 troops, according to Army estimates.
#6. The U.S. military starts lowering physical training and mental standards. Read more at: