Military expert warns: Drone attack against the Kremlin could escalate Ukraine conflict to dangerous new levels
By arseniotoledo // 2023-05-05
A retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Army has warned that the alleged Ukrainian drone strikes against the Kremlin represent a "new level" of attack that could dangerously escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Retired Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis spoke about the possibility of the conflict becoming worse for the people of both Ukraine and Russia during an exclusive interview with Breitbart. (Related: Two drones shot down right above the Kremlin during an alleged Ukrainian attempt to assassinate Putin.) This warning was made after two drones were taken down within the grounds of the Kremlin, with one of them exploding just above the dome of the Senate building. The Russian government in a statement called this a "planned terrorist attack" by Kyiv. "Two uncrewed aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services with the use of radar warfare systems, the devices were put out of action," read the government's statement. "We regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the president's life … The Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit." Ukraine has denied any involvement in the incident, suggesting that the attack was either a false flag operation or a sabotage activity by anti-Putin Russian resistance forces.

Russia will be forced to respond to drone strike

Davis himself is not fully convinced that Ukraine actually did strike the Kremlin in an attempt to assassinate Putin. But he did acknowledge the possibility. "Either Ukraine did this and what Russia's saying is true – and it's easy to be true when the truth is in your favor – or Ukraine is right and it was a false flag operation and Russia did it for their benefit. Both possibilities have legitimate considerations," said Davis. He added that Kyiv definitely has the motivation and the resources necessary to conduct a drone strike deep within Russian territory. Davis also noted that in the days and weeks leading to the Kremlin attack, there have been a significant number of drone strikes by Ukraine within Russia, including in parts of Russia that Ukraine considers its sovereign territory. But whether it was a false flag or not, the fact remains that this is the first attack to occur against Moscow since Nazi Germany besieged the city more than 80 years ago. Furthermore, Davis pointed out that the attack was directed at the very seat of the Russian government, and such an unprecedented incident warrants a response in the eyes of the Russian military. "This is the symbol of Russian military power, and there may be a big push from underneath for the Kremlin to actually take some sort of punitive response," said Davis. He added that the "potential risk of escalation" has massively increased. "It's going to be hard for the Russians to not do anything in response," he added. "I just can't imagine them not doing anything and just firing another couple of missiles. They do that every single day practically, so that wouldn't cut it." Based on the statements of some high-ranking Russian officials, Davis speculated that Moscow's retaliation could be as grave as a similar attack or an assassination attempt against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Learn more about the escalating conflict in Ukraine at Watch this episode of "TruNews" as host Rick Wiles and co-host Dr. Raymond Burkhart discuss the dangerous implications of Ukraine's failed assassination attempt against Putin. This video is from the channel TruNews on

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