Michelle Obama launches PLEZi Nutrition junk food company to sell chemical-laden sugar water to children
By ethanh // 2023-05-07
Like a clogged toilet that just will not flush, the Obamas refuse to disappear from the limelight, with Michelle Obama announcing the launch of a new junk food company called PLEZi Nutrition that wants to push more American children to consume sugar- and chemical-laden beverages. In yet another cash grab partnership that is more suited for empty-headed Hollywood actors and actresses rather than a former "First Lady," Michelle Obama has teamed up with Juggernaut Capital Partners, a private company that specializes in "celebrity-driven" junk food brands and pharmaceutical products, to promote PLEZi Nutrition beverages, which are anything but nutritious. As with many other children's drinks currently on the market, PLEZi Nutrition's offerings are loaded with chemicals and sugar, which means they are the last thing a child should be drinking. Since there are billions of dollars to be made, though, Michelle Obama was eager to join the scheme. "The pitch to Mrs. Obama was obvious and simple: we will make you a billionaire, using a tried and true formula of addicting kids to sugar and celebrity marketing," one Twitter account wrote about the cringeworthy company launch, which was made possible by Juggernaut. "Mrs. Obama's business strategy is sound: get kids hooked early on an addictive product." (Related: In 2012, Michelle Obama launched a supermarket shopping guide for Americans that failed to warn them about genetically modified organisms [GMOs], synthetic sweeteners like aspartame, and other chemical contaminants found in processed foods.)

Billionaire Warren Buffet holds the same core investment thesis: get children addicted to garbage and rake in the profits

Michelle Obama's money-grubbing strategy is much the same as that of billionaire investment guru and greed-bag Warren Buffet, who has long invested in and promoted junk food brands that push poisons on children because they are high-profit endeavors. In this case, Michelle Obama, who long touted herself as a healthy eater, is branding what amounts to sugar water – PLEZi Nutrition drinks contain six grams of sugar for every eight ounces of liquid – as a positive step for public health. The media is reporting that Michelle Obama launched this brand in an effort aimed "at fighting childhood obesity." Because the drinks contain "no sugar added," the claim is that PLEZi Nutrition drinks are somehow healthier than soda and other sugar- and chemical-laden drinks pushed on children. "It is shameful that Mrs. Obama's website actually cites the USDA sugar guidance to say it is 'recommended' for children 2 years and up to consume added sugar," the same aforementioned Twitter account tweeted. "In black and white, Mrs. Obama is saying it is 'okay' for 2-year-olds to have added sugar." Keep in mind that the very USDA that Michelle Obama is citing to claim that her PLEZi Nutrition drinks are healthy has a committee that is comprised almost entirely of industry insiders with serious conflicts of interest. If Michelle Obama was truly committed to health, then she would be calling out the USDA for its blatant corruption. Instead, she is sweeping the truth under the rug and pretending as though she is doing something honorable while quietly raking in the dough to benefit herself and only herself. According to research by Harvard University, some 180,000 people die every year due to sugar consumption. This means that sugar is far more dangerous than many of the things that the government says need to be illegal in the interest of public health – including so-called "drugs" that, factually speaking, are safer than Michelle Obama's sugar drinks for children. "When it comes to liquids, there is no difference between 'added' or 'natural' sugar – the liquid form wipes out the benefits of whole food," experts warn. Sources include: TheReaderApp.com NaturalNews.com