Energy commissioner warns: America heading toward power grid "reliability crisis"
By ethanh // 2023-05-09
As you may have noticed, there is a major political clash taking place in the realm of energy. One side recognizes that earth-based fuels like coal and oil have long been a cheap and reliable source of energy while the other thinks that fuels are "warming" the planet and need to be replaced by loud, obtuse, and unsightly wind turbines and massive solar farms, which aren't cutting it when it comes to creating a reliable energy grid. There are said to be upwards of 10,000 energy projects currently in the pipeline that stand to generate more than 2,000 gigawatts (GW) of collective power. The only thing standing in the way legally speaking are the federal and state permits needed to connect these projects to the various electrical grids across the nation. As it currently stands, the nation's total electricity output capacity is 1,250 GW, meaning the projects awaiting permitting approval stand to produce nearly twice that amount – if only it were that simple. You see, most of the nation's power plants were built to generate power using the earth-based fuels that the "green" lobby is trying to forcibly retire. As a result, there is no sound way to connect these 10,000 energy projects to the plants, which has created a bottleneck. If all those 10,000 energy projects were to be approved and come online today, they would generate far more power than the existing grid can handle. Meanwhile, coal-fired power plants are being retired at a much faster rate than new energy plants capable of handling so-called "renewable" energy sources like wind and solar are being built. "The United States is heading for a reliability crisis," commented Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Mark Christie about the matter in a May 4 hearing before the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee. "I do not use the term 'crisis' for melodrama, but because it is an accurate description of what we are facing. I think anyone would regard an increasing threat of system-wide, extensive power outages as a crisis." (Related: New York just became the first state to outlaw gas stoves and heaters in all new construction, which will place even more strain on the energy grid.)

Biden's energy policies threaten to crash the U.S. electrical grid

Responding to Christie's statements, committee chair Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and ranking Republican Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) both agreed, stating that this is an "impending, but avoidable, reliability crisis" that would not even be a crisis if the "green" brigade would slow down in retiring earth-based fuel power plants. Americans have fake president Joe Biden to blame for this with his 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and his 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), both of which have created a serious problem with "premature fossil requirements." The incentives these two pieces of legislation provide in promoting the rapid expansion of renewable energy at the same time that coal-fired power plants are being retired much too quickly is likely to collapse the grid in the very near future if something does not change – and soon. Manchin stated that the Biden regime is "trying to force a dramatic increase in electrical demand" through the BIL and IRA, which will only further increase the rate at which old power plants only capable of handling coal and other earth-based fuels are retired. "We do have to address climate change, but this transition is happening too fast," he added, noting that both he and House Republicans have filed bills aimed at addressing the problem. "I hope we can sit down and negotiate in good faith and put politics aside." The latest news about the collapse of the grid due to "green" energy can be found at Sources for this article include: