Rochelle Walensky leaving as head of disgraced CDC after implementing disastrous pandemic policies that resulted in injuries and deaths for millions
By jdheyes // 2023-05-09
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had a shaky reputation before Joe Biden's handlers put Dr. Rochelle Walensky in charge of it, but its reputation got completely destroyed under her 'leadership,' and now she's leaving it in worse shape. Walensky became the latest Biden regime official to jump ship on Friday, with the president himself lying about her service during a short press conference before he retired from his short day. “Dr. Walensky has saved lives with her steadfast and unwavering focus on the health of every American," Biden claimed. “As Director of the CDC, she led a complex organization on the frontlines of a once-in-a-generation pandemic with honesty and integrity. She marshaled our finest scientists and public health experts to turn the tide on the urgent crises we’ve faced," he was told to say. “Dr. Walensky leaves CDC a stronger institution, better positioned to confront health threats and protect Americans,” Biden added. “We have all benefited from her service and dedication to public health, and I wish her the best in her next chapter.” Walensky is resigning from her position as the head of the CDC just before the end of the public health emergency surrounding COVID-19 and shortly after the WHO declared the end of the global health emergency related to the pandemic. She had been leading the agency since the start of the Biden administration in January 2021, during which time the country implemented strict mask and vaccine mandates. Critics have argued that these measures have been more damaging to the population than the virus itself, and now, emerging evidence indicates that was the case. Just last month, Walensky stated that a person who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 can still spread the virus, despite previously claiming otherwise for two years. According to Walensky, this change is due to the "evolution of science," rather than any intentional falsehoods. She now asserts that receiving a vaccine does not prevent the transmission of the virus, despite previously stating the opposite for several years. Back in December of 2021, Walensky told the world that even suggesting a fully injected person could still spread covid was just conspiratorial “misinformation.” Now she is saying precisely that: If you get jabbed, you can still catch and spread covid just like an unvaccinated person. “That statement is no longer corrected [sic] with the Omicron variants we have right now,” Walensky told Congress more recently concerning her sudden about-face concerning the alleged effectiveness of the vaccines. It turns out that the source of Walensky’s covid injection information all this time has never been any actually published or credible science, but rather the claims of talking-heads on television whom she apparently watched and drew from to form her views. Walensky told Congress in the above hearing that “science,” as she currently understands it, has changed since she made her previous statements to the contrary of what she is now claiming. “There are some rules about covid that science has taught us,” wrote one commenter online, mocking her. “You’re in danger when entering a restaurant without a mask as covid will attack you, but once you reach a table in a restaurant you are safe.” “Covid knows now to attack when you are sitting down to eat dinner, and you are safe in a crowd that is not masked as long as that crowd is engaged in a liberal protest or a socialist activity such as a riot or burning down a police station. Covid never attacks people engaged in those activities.” Others joked that Walensky has now committed the cardinal sin of changing her covid “facts,” which we were all told could never be done because to do so would be to blaspheme the covid lords. Sources include: