Illegal immigrants in El Paso bringing DISEASES like scabies, measles, bed bugs and COVID-19 with them
By arseniotoledo // 2023-05-11
Illegal immigrants pouring into Texas from the United States' border with Mexico are bringing with them diseases – especially in the city of El Paso, where the tens of thousands of illegals residing in the city have brought with them scabies, measles, bed bugs and even the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This is according to Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas' 23rd congressional district, which includes the city of El Paso and a majority of Texas' border with Mexico, who rode along with the police chief of Socorro, directly to the south of El Paso. (Related: Thousands of migrants set to flood the US once Title 42 expires this week.) "Imagine having to protect and serve a city of 40,000, all while a border crisis is busting at the seams in El Paso, only 15 minutes away," wrote Gonzales on his Twitter account. Gonzales added that police officers told him: "Tony, don't be here unless you have to. There have been cases of scabies, measles, COVID and bed bugs. Take care of your health." Former U.S. Marine and senior writer for Townhall Julio Rosas noted during a tour through one illegal camp that many of the undocumented Venezuelans residing in the city's downtown have not been processed properly after they illegally crossed the border, nor are they using the Customs and Border Patrol app meant to track them and provide them with information. Instead, they were all released immediately into the city without any kind of procedure to check their health. "I heard a lot of coughing and sneezing. [Gonzales] said it reminds him of an Afghanistan refugee camp," wrote Rosas. "The conditions people are camping out in El Paso are very poor because the sidewalks are full by the church, others are in alleyways. All of this is before Title 42 is officially gone."

El Paso officials claim no health emergency from migrant influx

The El Paso Department of Public Health, which handles public health concerns in the city as well as in the county, claimed that there has been no reported outbreak of scabies or measles. There are only some cases of chickenpox, COVID-19 and bed bugs, but not enough to be of major concern. "We're keeping our eyes and ears open to see if there are any outbreaks in our community. So far, there's no outbreak in our community," said El Paso Health Authority's Dr. Hector Ocaranza. "Our community does not need to panic about this and we're working very closely with the shelters to provide recommendations as far as preventative measures." A spokesperson for the city claimed the city's public health office is providing emergency management training and other "necessary tools" to local non-government and faith-based organizations that may need additional assistance in providing aid to the city's illegal population. Despite this claim, Ocaranza still added that he is concerned about the growing issue of the health of the illegals residing in El Paso. Ocaranza told ABC-7 in an interview that the city and county's health departments are checking illegals for potential diseases like chickenpox, COVID-19, malaria and measles. He admitted that there have been "some cases" found of chickenpox and COVID-19, but refused to elaborate on just how prevalent these infectious diseases are among the illegal community. Ocaranza added that many of the migrants being sheltered by the Roman Catholic Sacred Heart Church in the Segundo Barrio neighborhood are undocumented and therefore do not have any kind of health clearance provided to them by immigration officials when they illegally entered the country. Learn more about the rapidly deteriorating situation at the southern border at Watch this clip discussing how El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser has declared a state of emergency to prepare for the inevitable surge of illegals crossing the border once Title 42 ends. This video is from the channel Galactic Storm on

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