UT Austin tells students to use 'wimmin' instead of the word 'women'
By victort1 // 2023-05-11
The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) recommended using “wimmin” in place of the word “women,” since the latter contains the word “men.” (Article by Travis Morgan republished from CampusReform.org) The suggestion was initially published on the university’s Financial and Administrative Services website under its “Language Matters: Glossary of Terms.” “Wimmin: A nonstandard spelling of the word ‘women’ used by feminists to avoid the word ending in ‘-men,’” read the glossary before it was removed from their website. Christopher F. Rufo, a Manhattan Institute fellow and writer for City Journalalleged it was after his finding of the recommendation that the university removed it from its Financial and Administrative Services’ website. “After I caught them recommending the word ‘wimmin’ in place of ‘women,’ University of Texas administrators have removed their ‘Language Matters’ guide from the university website,” he tweeted. "Unfortunately for them, I’ve archived the page and will report more next week." He posted screenshots of the initial recommendation on Twitter: Jackson Paul, Chairman of the Young Conservatives of Texas chapter at UT Austin, disagreed with the glossary, but considered it “totally in character for the UT administration,” he told Campus Reform. His initial reaction was “exhaustion with the semantic treadmill wokeness has put us on, where the University continues to invent new words to avoid imaginary harms, serving merely to confuse language and waste resources.” Responding to why UT Austin removed the recommendation from the website, Brian Davis, a Senior Manager of Issues and Crisis Communications at the university told Fox News Digital “The page was removed because it was not relevant to the work that Financial and Administrative Services performs.” Paul expressed skepticism, however. “Ultimately, I think the administration is very focused on risk management, and once the media was aware of the page, they decided the best way to minimize risk was to cut their losses and try to make the story go away quickly,” he explained to Campus Reform. “This story shows the extent to which the modern University has become dominated by an inordinate focus on symbols over reality,” Paul concluded. “We will not stop woke incidents like this from happening until we have fixed the deeper mysticism in our academic culture, which thinks you can change reality merely by changing the words we use to describe it.” Neither UT Austin nor Rufo responded to Campus Reform’s request for comment in time for publication. Read more at: CampusReform.org