WEF globalist Linda Yaccarino takes over Twitter – Elon proves he's no better than Dorsey
By ethanh // 2023-05-14
On Friday, billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru and Twitter owner Elon Musk announced that an executive from NBCUniversal by the name of Linda Yaccarino will be taking over the social media company as its new CEO. Yaccarino worked as the head of advertising at NBC, who helped build the network's advertising sales business over the course of 12 years. She is also a World Economic Forum (WEF)-tied globalist. "It has been an absolute honor to be part of Comcast NBCUniversal and lead the most incredible team," Yaccarino said about her departure. "We've transformed our company and the entire industry – and I am so proud of what we've accomplished together, and grateful to my colleagues and mentors, especially Brian Roberts, Mike Cavanagh and the entire NBCU leadership team." Musk tweeted a welcome to Yaccarino, confirming that her job duties as CEO will "focus primarily on business operations" while Musk himself focuses "on product design & new technology." "Looking forward to working with Linda to transform this platform into X, the everything app," Musk added in celebration of Yaccarino's addition to the Twitter executive leadership team. (Related: Twitter under Elon Musk is still censoring platforms like Substack and Brighteon.)

No, Elon Musk is not playing 4-D chess by hiring Yaccarino – he's just another globalist, same as her

For some reason, Musk got lumped in with other "patriots" whom many have been led to believe are playing some kind of "4-D chess" by hiring blatant globalists but having some other secret plan in the works. Is there anything to this? The same was said about Donald Trump, by the way, who loaded his cabinet with the very swamp creatures he promised to drain. And many believed that he, too, was playing 4-D chess with these strange moves. There is nothing 4-D chess about Yaccarino's hiring at Twitter. The woman is about as globalist as it gets, having been appointed as chairman of the WEF's Taskforce on Future of Work. She also sits on the WEF's Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee, and is highly engaged with the Value in Media Initiative. As recently as 2020, Yaccarino spoke at the "World Economic Forum: Creating the Workplace of the Future by Focusing People" event. In 2014, Yaccarino joined the Ad Council Board of Directors and became a member of the group's executive committee in 2015. She also served as vice chair before being appointed as board chair in 2021 and 2022. "Yaccarino partnered with the business community, the White House, and government agencies to create a COVID-19 vaccination campaign, featuring Pope Francis and reaching over 200 million Americans," the woman brags on her LinkedIn resume. On Nov. 24, 2020, Yaccarino tweeted the following about how Americans needed to embrace Trump's Operation Warp Speed "vaccines" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19): It turns out that Yaccarino played a highly critical role in pushing covid jabs on Americans by developing sleazy vaccination campaign initiatives featuring Pope Francis that ultimately reached around 200 million Americans. Yaccarino is also involved in the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives being pushed on corporate America, using the "power of media" to promote women, people of color, and other non-whites and non-white-males to the highest ranks, while keeping whites and white men at the bottom of the totem pole. "It's time for action and working towards a more inclusive society," Yaccarino tweeted a few weeks later on Oct. 21, 2020, about the new corporate America she wants to see rise from the ashes of covid. The latest news about Twitter can be found at Censorship.news. Sources for this article include: ZeroHedge.com NaturalNews.com