Bild, Europe's most circulated newspaper, censored major corruption story to cover for Joe Biden
By ethanh // 2023-05-16
Over the past 10 or so years, the southern European country of Albania has become a narco-state under the leadership of Prime Minister Edi Rama, a far-left member of the country's Socialist Party. Very few people seem to know about any of this, though, as the media has remained silent about it at the behest of fake president Joe Biden, one of Rama's close buddies. The German news outlet Bild, Europe's most widely circulated media source, killed an entire story about Rama's corruption in order to please Biden, we now know. The paper shot down an extensive investigation piece about what Rama has done to Albania because Biden wants it kept under lock and key. Strangely, Bild has reported many an embarrassing thing about Rama in the past, including his involvement in vote-buying and blackmail. But now, suddenly, Bild is keeping a lid on the biggest bombshell story yet about Rama, this was according to the Washington Examiner's John Schindler, who wrote that he was contacted by a senior reporter at Bild concerning the matter. "I was happy to answer Bild's questions about Albania, based on my Washington Examiner articles and the fact that I was a top Balkan expert for the National Security Agency," Schindler reported. "I confirmed that Albania, under Rama, has become Europe's leading narco-state with connections to narcotrafficking interests across the planet." (Related: You may remember that Biden promised before being installed into the White House that he would massively increase the Censorship-Industrial Complex, which he surely has.)

What is Biden trying to hide about his relationship with Edi Rama and his Albanian narco-state?

The Biden regime has had no qualms about going after Albania's former conservative prime minister for corruption, even long after the guy left office. When it comes to Rama, though, there has been not only silence but censorship. Right now, Albania is Europe's only declared narco-state due to the extent of its economic reliance on the drug trade. Rama is said to be in cahoots with the country's mafia elements, which are quite powerful, and also faces accusations ranging from drug trafficking and money laundering to extortion and vote buying, which Bild, at the order of Biden, is refusing to discuss any further in its reporting. Schindler reports that Bild's "top editors" are responsible for axing the exposé from publishing, revealing that when he asked why, Bild responded that "Washington stands by Rama" and does not want the report published – case closed. Why the so-called "president" of the United States would want to ally itself with a corrupt socialist and his narco-state, and publicly so, is inexplicable – unless that "president" and his regime are cut from the exact same cloth, of course. It is also interesting that whenever stories about European corruption begin to surface, the Biden regime is right there at the ready to kill them. Why is Biden so involved with foreign reporting about a distant narco-state in the first place, unless he and his crime family are somehow involved and afraid of being implicated themselves? We know through Hunter Biden's laptop, the story of which was also censored, that the Biden Crime Family has heavy illicit dealing with foreign rogue states, including that of Ukraine. Are there also hidden dealings in Albania that prompted this push for secrecy about Rama's illicit activities? "What is the United States getting out of backing a corrupt socialist leader in a largely uninfluential European nation?" asked "Bonchie," writing for Red State. "What's the national interest? I could take a few guesses, and none of them are good." The latest news coverage about the Biden regime's assault on free speech can be found at Sources for this article include: