New leader of Communist Party USA's NY District formerly served as aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
By ramontomeydw // 2023-05-16
A new report has revealed that the new leader of the Communist Party of the USA's (CPUSA) New York District was a former aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). The New York Post reported that 33-year-old Justine Medina worked as political organizer for Cortez after she hired her in 2020. Records from the Federal Election Commission showed that she was paid $35,000 between February and November 2020. But after the 2020 presidential elections that put incumbent President Joe Biden in power, the Cuban-American Medina fully committed herself to the cause of Marxism. The CPUSA's newspaper People's World identified Medina as "co-chair of the New York Young Communist League" back in July 2021. The same publication addressed her as a member of the "Executive Committee of the New York State Communist Party." Medina further claimed that while working for Cortez's campaign, she was responsible for "organizing and writing policy language with Anti-War Veterans [and] the Peace Movement." "Communism is about equality; democracy; peace; the advancement of workers, the oppressed and humanity in general," she tweeted in November 2020. "It is true the path there will be unkind to those who block progress, but communism is good and should not scare you." In reality, people ought to be scared of communism – a force responsible for the murder of more than 100 million people across the globe. The Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s with his Holodomor campaign. Over in China, Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution caused the death of more than 40 million. Cambodia's Pol Pot decimated about a quarter of his own country's population in his brief rule in the Khmer Rouge during the 1970s. After the Post published its report about her, Medina tweeted a screenshot of the article. The tweet received mixed reactions, with some praising Medina for her efforts and others rebuking her for her leanings.

Privileged Medina also boasts a long rap sheet

According to the Post, Medina was involved in successful efforts to unionize Amazon's workforce while working as a packer in the company's Staten Island warehouse. "Do not be afraid to fight; to get as dirty as the bosses will; to match or beat the energy they're bringing," she wrote in an April 2022 article for the CPUSA website. "Do not be afraid to agitate and to antagonize the bosses, as a union should. This was a truly collective effort, led by some brilliant Amazon workers thrust into organizing by the pandemic and the conditions of their lives." The New York congresswoman follows Medina on Twitter, and has posed with her former aid for a smiling photo in the past. Outside of social media, the two appear to share the same antagonism toward the tech firm helmed by Jeff Bezos. Cortez played an integral role in shooting down a plan by Amazon to open a headquarters in New York City. She has also been a vocal supporter of unionization efforts within the company, something Medina has been involved in. However, some union members on the frontline have pointed out that Cortez often fails to show up. Medina also has a long history of arrests, the Post mentioned. She was booked at least twice in June 2020 during Black Lives Matter riots in the Big Apple. The CPUSA cadre was also arrested that year for attempting to deface a plaque honoring real estate developer Fred Trump, the father of former President Donald Trump. Justine's father Omar Medina, a trial lawyer based in Florida, acknowledged that his daughter's communist leanings are "a big problem." He and his family escaped Fidel Castro's communist regime in Cuba and found freedom in the United States. (Related: The 45 Communist goals were just the initial blueprint to take over America – what we are watching happen now is the endgame: total destruction of the U.S.) "As for her allegiance to the [CPUSA], I could not be further removed from that," Omar told the Post. "My family escaped communism, and my daughter is misguided as to the benefits that the political system provides. It flat-out doesn't work." Watch this video explaining why Mao Zedong's Communist Great Leap Forward is the model of the Great Reset and should be rightly feared, contrary to Medina's assertion. This video is from the AnonTruther channel on

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