Top 7 ways the gender-fluid liberals and cancel culture enthusiasts are wrecking the moral fiber of our youth
By sdwells // 2023-05-17
The total number of registered sex offenders in the USA is climbing fast. Currently, there are more than three-quarters of a million Americans who are listed on states' sex offender registries, and with the Democrats keeping the southern border wide open for illegal immigrants, expect that number to skyrocket. Plus, Democrats and most liberals push for total acceptance of gay, tranny and gender "fluidity" promotions (and flaunting of it all) in all daycare centers, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and even college. Anyone who opposes pushing gender-bender surgery and hormone-therapy drugs on kids and teens is considered by these liberals as "racists" and "bigots" and aggressive people who don't "tolerate" differences. According to the cancel culture movement, if a person doesn't focus on sex, sexual partners and sexual identity 24/7/365, then they are intolerant to the "new norm," and so they get banned and barred from social media platforms, and some people even get fired from their jobs for opposing it. It's all propaganda that perverts the mind and scars the body, sometimes permanently, to the extent that the gender transitioning person suffers anxiety and depression, and considers suicide (and/or mass homicide).

Child abuse in America has risen to epidemic levels

Did you know that only about 1 in 10 children who are sexually abused ever let anyone know about it? While the tranny men do strip tease shows (in their thongs and fake boobs) for little kids at daycare centers and library book reading "clubs" (pun intended), the children are being exposed to adults who want them to be promiscuous (gay-curious) from as early as the toddler stage. As more illegal immigrants, especially young men, cross the border into America, there will be more and more human trafficking, including of children, who mostly get abused, molested, raped, sold and sometimes killed. Many will never report it, for fear of consequences, shame and guilt, fear of not being believed, or fear of burdening the family. Then there are the "groomers." Grooming is when sex offenders and sexual predators draw children into sexual relationships and situations by developing and/or maintaining this perverted relationship in secrecy. Grooming is becoming more "acceptable" among Democrats and Liberals, as they bring their own children to tranny strip tease shows disguised as equal rights demonstrations or "Drag Queen Story Hour." Many of these perverts do not have any interest in religion, ethics, morals, or even the law as it applies to protecting children from sexual predators. That's why among the gender fluid masses it's common to be atheist or a worshipper of Satan. These cults are often also grooming children to be queer and perverted, thinking only of sex, sexual partners and sexuality all day, like them. The moral fiber of this country is being decayed by this cancel culture, Satan-worshipping crowd of misfits and gender-confused zombies. They have multiple victims (usually kids they know), and they continue the abusive cycle until they are arrested, reported, imprisoned, or stopped some other way. Some serial molesters have as many as 400 victims in their lifetime, according to statistical information.

Top 7 ways the cancel culture is wrecking the moral fiber of our youth

#1. Drag Queen Story Hour #2. Gender-bender hormones and chemical castration drugs (puberty blockers) #3. Sex "change" operations that can mutilate genitals, scar the patients, wreck libido, damage organs, cause infertility, lead to depression and suicide, etc. #4. Children exposed to perverts and a lack of moral fortitude #5. Child and human trafficking operations around the world, at the border and across America #6. Destroying religion while propagating worship of Satan and witchcraft #7. Dismantling the moral fiber, ethics and family values of our country Tune your internet dial to for updates on cancel culture liberals further wrecking the country with twisted influence on our youth. Sources for this article include: 1 2