Five illegal migrants on FBI's terrorist watchlist ARRESTED shortly after Title 42 expired
By bellecarter // 2023-05-17
Agents at the Tucson sector of the U.S. Border Patrol arrested five illegal migrants on May 12, shortly after the pandemic-era health policy Title 42 expired. It was later discovered that the five illegals are on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). According to a source within Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the suspected terrorists illegally crossed the border separately. Information regarding the demographics and nationalities of the arrested individuals was not made available. The source said they were referred to the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) for further investigation and identity confirmation. CBP data from October 2022 to March 2023 confirmed that a total of 80 migrants listed in the TSDB have already been nabbed upon entering the country via the southwest border between ports of entry this fiscal year. Meanwhile, two were arrested after crossing the northern border with Canada. The TSDB contains information related to specific individuals reasonably suspected to be involved in terrorism or related activities. A person's name listed in the TSDB triggers a reporting process that alerts the FBI to an encounter by the Border Patrol. The CBP source said that the additional scrutiny triggered by the encounter includes verification that the migrant whose name matches a name on the list is in fact the same person and added that the investigation and additional interviews by the FBI's JTTF determine the subsequent actions taken by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) related to the consequences a migrant may face after initial processing. FBI's Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) manages the database and provides the information to several law enforcement agencies, including the DHS and the Department of Defense. The TSC does not confirm anyone's status on the watchlist. According to the FBI, most people on the terrorism watchlist are not Americans and they have no known connection to the United States. Breitbart reported that the number of migrants in the TSDB surged under President Joe Biden's regime. From fiscal year (FY) 2017 to 2020 of former President Donald Trump's administration, agents apprehended only 14 migrants appearing in the national security database. During FY 21, FY 22 and year-to-date FY 23, agents apprehended 196 known or suspected terrorists on the list. Make that 201 now.

Gloating Biden boasts the border "looks much better than expected" after Title 42 expired

Over the weekend, Biden told the press that the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border after the expiration of Title 42 is "much better than you all expected." He also told reporters he was glad that Title 42's expiration did not lead to an immediate surge in asylum seekers at the border. The President spent the weekend at his vacation home in Rehoboth, Delaware, along with first lady Jill Biden and their daughter Ashley instead of conducting checks at the border. His cheerful mood may have been due to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' statement that border patrol agents have seen a 50 percent drop in the number of migrants crossing the border since the pandemic-era policy ended. "The numbers we have experienced are markedly down over what they were prior to the end of Title 42," Mayorkas said in a recent interview. According to him, there were 6,300 border encounters on May 12 and 4,200 on May 13. Mayorkas credited the criminal penalties for migrants who illegally enter the country for the decrease in crossings. After May 11, Biden reverted to decades-old immigration policy under what is known as Title 8. The policy requires migrants to schedule an immigration appointment through the app CBP One, or seek protection from countries they passed through on their way to the U.S. border. If they do not follow the process and are caught entering the U.S. illegally, they are not allowed to try again even through legal means for five years. There are also prison terms for other violations. (Related: Smartphones issued to track illegals cost American taxpayers over $360,000 per day.) Head to for more news about the ongoing U.S. border crisis. Watch the video below where Mayorkas called Texas Governor Greg Abbott's move to bus migrants to Washington D.C. "sad and tragic." This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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NY Gov. Hochul announces EMERGENCY ORDER to deal with surge of illegals. OPEN SESAME: Biden administration opens border to millions of ILLEGALS by lifting Title 42. Donna Brandenburg: Northern border also hosts "indescribable" human trafficking – Brighteon.TV. The Dr. Hotze Report: Immigration disaster unfolds at the southern border as Title 42 ends – Brighteon.TV.

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