MEDICAL QUACKERY: Florida Surgeon General points out 12 SERIOUS RISKS with Covid jab rollout and the CDC's manipulation of the public's trust
By sdwells // 2023-05-18
The medical "establishment" in America loves to tell the populace to "follow the science," but that's exactly what they avoid doing when it does not serve their narrative. This is the case with the Fauci Flu jabs, also called the Covid-19 "vaccines," even though they are NOT vaccines at all and were never approved by the FDA for human administration. According to Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, America's top public health officials are ignoring a dozen exposed risks associated with mRNA gene therapy injections and are avoiding the science that proves it. Dr. Ladapo says that a "lack of transparency only harms Americans' faith in science" and he is imploring the CDC and FDA commissioners and directors to explain why they are not following the science on this and being transparent with the American people (who are paying for the jabs and suffering from their deadly effects).

Florida's Surgeon Generals advises Americans NOT to trust the American healthcare system

Here is the Florida Surgeon General's warning to the CDC (Center for Disease Continuance) and FDA (Food and Drug Adulteration) officials: “Your ongoing decision to ignore many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines alongside your efforts to manipulate the public into thinking they are harmless, have resulted in a deep distrust in the American health care system." He continued to lecture them on responsibility, lack of transparency, and endangerment to every person being injected with experimental neurotoxins (spike proteins that mimic gain of function virus): “Beginning with Operation Warp Speed, and possibly to be continued with an additional $5 billion investment in Project NextGen, the federal government has relentlessly forced a premature vaccine into the arms of the American people with little to no concern for the serious adverse ramifications.”

The deadly Wuhan Flu shots caused a 1,700% spike in VAERS reporting with a 4,400% jump in "life-threatening conditions"

The Florida Surgeon General listed 12 points of "unequivocal" data exposing the true dangers of the Wuhan virus clot shots that create horrific, life-threatening conditions like no other jab ever administered on humans before. He's calling on the CDC and FDA to publicly explain why these have been hidden from the public, doctors, nurses, and everyone who has ever questioned the safety and efficacy of this vaccine violence campaign of terror. Dr. Ladapo even called the officials at the CDC and FDA "charlatans" who are engaged in "medical quackery." In fact, they never even ran clinical trials on the booster shots, while postponing reports that revealed the clot shots cause the masses to develop myocarditis and harm pregnant women. If their excuse is "vaccine hesitancy," then the word "hesitancy" needs to be redefined as "terrified of the results" because the science reveals the clot shots are FAR more damaging than helpful, if there is ANY benefit to getting them at all anyway. Ladapo's warnings are not focused on "rare" events, as the CDC pharma shills would have us all believe. In fact, spike proteins travel from the site of injection and cruise throughout the vascular system, polluting the most vital organs, including the brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas, uterus, and the heart. The clot shots even cause turbo cancer. Maybe every doctor in the USA needs to attend a seminar that shows the autopsies of many injected people who have died with spike protein clogs in their vital organs, and see just how dangerous the clot shots really are for humanity. This is no conspiracy theory. Follow the science folks. Follow the science. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections the CDC and fake news claim are "safe and effective" when they're really dangerous and health-damaging. Sources for this article include: