Biden regime waging war on religious health care groups, says they must perform abortions to receive federal funding
By ethanh // 2023-05-18
The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is waging war on religious and faith-based health care systems like St. Francis Health System in Oklahoma, which was stripped of its federal funding for refusing to blow out a sanctuary candle in its hospital chapel. One of the largest faith-based health systems in the country, St. Francis has become a target of the Biden regime, which hates people of faith and wants them punished into compliance with its satanic, pro-death agenda. It is common practice, and a longtime tradition, for Catholic churches and chapels, including hospital sanctuaries, to keep a candle lit at all times by the altar. The lit candle is meant to represent the real and comforting presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. According to the Biden regime, keeping a candle lit in such a manner poses a "safety threat," or at least that is the excuse it is giving all of a sudden to try to stamp out the representational light of Jesus at Catholic institutions. Biden's HHS threatened to completely shut down St. Francis, which employs about 11,000 people and cares for around 400,000 patients, unless it agreed to blow out its candles and become secular – that is until public outcry put a stop to this attack. (Related: Remember when the Biden regime said absolutely nothing about the spate of terror attacks against pro-life pregnancy care clinics?)

Biden's HHS persecuted Little Sisters of the Poor nuns, robbing them of their resources with needless litigation

Candles are not the only problem Biden has with religious health care institutions, some of which also refuse to perform abortions and transgender mutilation procedures on children. New rules imposed by Biden's HHS make it next to impossible for religious medical workers to object to procedures with which they disagree. All of them are now being forced to obey or else lose their jobs. "This move continued the HHS's long perverse history of using mandates to force conscience-objecting medical professionals to perform gender-transition procedures on their patients, including children," reported Another Catholic institution that Biden targeted is Little Sisters of the Poor, which is run by nuns whose entire existence revolves around showering the elderly poor in their final days with support and love. Because the nuns at Little Sisters of the Poor refuse to violate the Church's teachings by providing things like abortifacients in their health insurance plan, HHS sued the institution, forcing it to divert its limited resources to seven years of needless litigation – but in the end the nuns won. Keep in mind that Biden still claims to be a Catholic himself. The guy obviously forgot what his religion supposedly represents – or perhaps Biden has chosen filthy lucre for his crime family over the religious beliefs he supposedly once held? Whatever the case may be, Biden is turning out to be one of the most vicious tyrants this country has ever seen, following in the footsteps of his buddy Barack Hussein Obama, who appears to be pulling Biden's strings from the shadows. To this very day, the Biden regime continues to persecute Little Sisters of the Poor by trying to force its nuns to perform medical procedures that go against their faith. And the same goes for other religious institutions that refuse to toe the line. "Unfortunately, the Biden administration and far-Left have shown repeatedly that they do not care, and that they're unafraid to politicize health care at the expense of American’s health and safety," says. "They have demonstrated they will use every weapon at their disposal to wage war on life-affirming health care until it has been eradicated from the entire health care system." The Left is obsessed with abortion. To learn more, visit Sources for this article include: