Far-left Human Rights Campaign partnered with Pfizer to push transgender mutilation on children
By ethanh // 2023-05-18
In the past several years, transgenderism has really taken off across the United States, in large part due to the influence of the far-left Human Rights Campaign (HRC), an LGBT organization that has been teaching hospitals how to mutilate more children. With the financial backing of Pfizer, the HRC is responsible for bringing transgender clinics to facilities like Children's National Hospital (CNH) in Washington, D.C. Around 2019, Beth Rempe, a nurse at CNH, started to notice doctors wearing transgender pins and nurses asking innocent children with no history of gender dysphoria about their preferred gender pronouns. During this same time period, increasingly more patients were suddenly being prescribed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, especially young girls. Even more disturbing were the internal policy changes at CNH that allowed staff members to start changing their genders on a whim based on their "mood." By 2022, Rempe says CNH started requiring staff members to use patients' preferred pronouns on demand, even as their European counterparts were backing away from the practice due to its tendency to create more gender dysphoria where it did not previously exist. (Related: In 2020, the HRC renamed human genitals using silly names in order to please deranged transgenders.)

CNH "equality" indexes aim to turn all corporations, hospitals into LGBT freak shows

Rempe quit working at CNH in 2022 after asking for an exemption and being denied. She did not want to be put in the uncomfortable position of having to administer puberty blockers and hormone drugs to children, which would have violated her conscience and beliefs. "I kept finding myself in situations I wasn't comfortable with ethically," Rempe said. Since leaving CNH, Rempe has struggled to figure out what happened to the hospital where she worked for 16 years. Was there some hidden force behind the new policies that pushed them from the outside? It turns out that there was, and it was the HRC. The HRC manages what is known as the Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a scorecard system for LGBT compliance that was behind the recent Bud Light fiasco involving transgender social media "influencer" Dylan Mulvaney. The HRC also manages the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), which is basically the same as CEI but for the health care system. Using a 100-point scale, the HRC scores hospitals based on the "equity and inclusion of their LGBTQ+ patients." This scale, by the way, is funded both by Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry trade association PhRMA. The more transgender mutilation and other perversion a hospital pushes, the higher it rates on the Pfizer-funded HEI. The less LGBT perversion a hospital embraces and promotes, the lower its HEI score. The HEI, by the way, does not in any way recognize exemptions based on conscience or religion, which makes it inherently discriminatory against Christians and other religious medical workers who object to mutilating children. Not surprisingly, the children's hospital where Rempe used to work earned a perfect HEI score. When asked for comment on the matter, PhRMA's Brian Newell downplayed the index entirely, claiming that it was "not involved in the development." "Our work with the [Human Rights Campaign] has primarily focused on issues impacting patient access and affordability, including for those with HIV," Newell said. Pfizer, conversely, did not respond to a request for comment. Anything that the HRC deems as "discriminatory," including objections to harming and mutilating children, will lower a hospital's HEI score. And with that score deduction comes the threat of reduced funding or other "woke" punishments, which incentivizes hospitals to push as much LGBT perversion as possible to attain the highest score. Want to learn more about which entities are pushing transgender mutilation on children? Visit Transhumanism.news. Sources for this article include: FreeBeacon.com NaturalNews.com