Latest Senate report reveals even more compelling evidence on Wuhan lab leak theory and China's cover-up
By kevinhughes // 2023-05-21
The latest United States Senate report on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) origins reveals the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) had a "serious biocontainment incident" in 2019, was short of staff and tainted by safety concerns. The 329-page report on two years of work also said the first COVID death in China was in September 2019, two months earlier than first believed, and that Beijing attempted to keep the epidemic from the rest of the world. The discoveries contained more incidental evidence the virus leaked from the lab, however, it didn't hold a smoking gun. "A careful reading of reports from the WIV spanning more than a three-year period yielded a picture of a struggling institution: underfunded, underregulated, and understaffed," the report, headed by Senate Intel ranking member Marco Rubio, read. The report admits that it does not contain any one 'smoking gun' which matters most when checking the origin question.

Wuhan lab official warned of shortcomings and foundational problems of lab complex

The report goes back to July 2019 when a WIV official warned of the "current shortcomings and foundational problems in the construction, operation, and maintenance" of the lab complex and instructed staff to "prioritize solving the urgent problems we are facing." As stated in the report, the Wuhan lab closed its online virus database in the middle of the night on September 19, 2019. (Related: Smoking gun: Workers at Wuhan lab got sick right around time covid "escaped".) Six days later the WIV informed the Wuhan airport of a drill in case of the outbreak of a "novel coronavirus." The report also said days after that a Wuhan citizen named Su died from what a Chinese biostatistician thinks to be COVID-19. By October, the Chinese legislature was examining a draft biosecurity law, mentioning "currently the biosecurity situation in our country is grim" and recorded "laboratories that leak biological agents" as a threat. By November 2019 the Chinese government was concealing numerous documented cases of COVID-19. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials issued a report warning that said, "Once you have opened the stores' test tubes, it is just as if having opened Pandora's Box. These viruses come without a shadow and leave without a trace." The report also said a CCP official traveled that month from Beijing to Wuhan with critical instructions from Chinese President Xi Jinping on "the complex and grave situation currently facing safety work." The CCP did not warn the World Health Organization (WHO) of the onset of a virus “of unknown etiology” until January 2020. By February 2020, China had started a campaign to strengthen biosafety at the WIV and other labs throughout the country. "Just as Beijing was denying the possibility that COVID-19 came from a lab on the world stage, it was warning its own officials of such risks and rolling out new measures to prevent lab accidents," the report stated. Chinese scientists registered a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine by Feb. 24, 2020, and the report said the "research methodology" indicates they began work on the vaccine no later than November 2019. In a February speech to the Chinese Politburo, Xi threw a connection "between the political security of the party-state, public health, and better regulation of biosafety and biosecurity." The Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, meanwhile, gave additional regulations to deal with "a long-lasting mechanism to prevent and control biosafety risks." "If the central authorities believed that the initial human infection of SARS-CoV-2 likely occurred at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, it is unclear why they took the time to address biosafety conditions ... precisely when the COVID-19 outbreak was at its most acute stage in China and they were urgently mobilizing an all-hands-on-deck response," the report added. Chinese officials have asserted the lab leak theory is a lie and refused to give access to international efforts to discover the origin of a virus that has killed seven million worldwide. The report appears to follow the tone of other intelligence conclusions, which is holding possible, but not provable proof the lab leak theory once considered a conspiracy theory by many, is real. The Department of Energy, which oversees biological research labs in America, concluded with "low confidence" in February this year that the virus most probably originated from a lab in Wuhan. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) also came to the same conclusion but with moderate confidence. Several scientists and government officials supported the wet market theory, however, discussion on the issue was mostly shut down by media corporations. Social media companies like Facebook, energized by the media agreement driving the wet market origin theory, started bringing down posts that said COVID-19 was man-made. Follow for more news about COVID-19. Watch the video below to learn why the Senate report confirms a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This video is from the Wellness Forum Health channel on

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