Central Wisconsin communities fighting back against wind turbine industry takeover
By ethanh // 2023-05-23
The latest target for the wind turbine industry to expand its footprint is Wisconsin, the residents of which are fighting back against the "green" energy takeover. "There is a revolt happening here," said attorney Marti Machtan to The Epoch Times in an exclusive interview. "I've never seen our communities engage like this in my life." A grassroots advocacy group called Farmland First, of which Machtan is a member, is keeping a close eye on the wind turbine industry, which wants to turn the Dairy State's pristine farmland into an unsightly eyesore – and ear-sore, because those things are loud – of large metal wind turbines that, ironically enough, are powered by diesel. According to Farmland First, the wind turbine industry is coercive and predatory, utilizing tactics developed by industrial wind companies to manipulate landowners into signing away their property rights in the name of "saving the planet." "These companies are sneaky about it," Tom Wilcox, another member of Farmland First and chairman of the Town of Green Grove in Owen, Wisc., is quoted as saying. "They don't want to come right out and say how this will work. In fact, part of the reason why people don't know this is happening is farmers have to agree to keep their mouth shut on the details of the contract." (Related: Remember the infamous 2021 Texas blackouts? Those were partially caused by wind turbines that froze in cold winter weather and stopped producing energy.)

Wind turbines are a disaster for natural landscapes, turning them into industrial minefields of behemoth metal structures

Also a member of the Clark County Board of Supervisors and chairman of the Clark County Planning and Zoning division, Wilcox is pushing to stop the wind turbine industry from turning central Wisconsin into a massive "green" energy farm. Just this month alone, 13 different central Wisconsin towns passed health and safety ordinances that pave the way for wind turbine companies to construct massive structures up to 600 feet tall and as close as 1,250 feet from people's homes. Because wind turbines are extremely damaging to the environment, special exemptions had to be written and inserted into town codes to allow their construction – natural land and environment be damned. Once word started to spread among locals about what these wind turbine companies are up to, an outpouring of grassroots opposition has sprung up and grown to the point that the media is now taking notice. Some area residents say they were approached by wind turbine companies with cash bribes of more than $1 million to be given over the course of 30 years to landowners who allow wind turbines to be erected on their farms. According to Machtan, the way these cash offers are being written allows for wind turbine companies to back out of them at any time, for any reason. In that event, a landowner could get stuck with a large, unsightly wind turbine that massively decreases the property's value. "As I got further into this, I realized that these wind turbines aren't at all good for the farming community," Wilcox revealed. "As I got deeper, I realized just what kind of a sham this really is." After reviewing, negotiating, and drafting more than $1 billion worth of contracts with companies of various sizes, Machtan came to the conclusion that these wind turbine businesses are generally shady and operating in bad faith. "I don't think I've ever seen one that was more imbalanced, unfair, or one-sided to the benefit of the company and to the detriment of the farmer," he said, noting that the contracts almost always give more power over the land to the wind turbine companies rather than the landowners. So-called "renewable" energy is largely a scam. Learn more at GreenTyranny.news. Sources for this article include: TheEpochTimes.com NaturalNews.com