Durham Report proves COLLUSION between FBI and Hillary Clinton over Russiagate hoax
By kevinhughes // 2023-05-23
According to Glenn Beck, the Durham Report only proved that failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conspired to push the Russiagate hoax against former President Donald Trump. During the May 17 edition of his "Glenn" podcast, Beck said the report revealed the serious lack of analytical rigor – especially from politically affiliated person and entities – toward the information received by senior FBI personnel. It also pointed out that there was a significant reliance on investigative leads either funded, directly or indirectly, by Trump's political opponents. The special counsel's report also rebuked the FBI for not adequately examining and questioning the materials and motives of those providing evidence against Trump. "If we just look at the Durham Report, they didn't suppress information – they manufactured information. They put false information out there that they, according to the report, knew was false. They knew it was coming from Clinton's campaign," Beck remarked. "None of them had any serious thought that these charges were true. But they decided to investigate anyway, and then leaked that information for political purposes." (Related: Special Counsel Durham unveils direct link between FBI, Hillary Clinton campaign in latest 'Russiagate' court filing.) The conservative media personality pointed out that Clinton "planned a disinformation campaign" to smear Trump as being "in league with the Russians" – something the Durham Report disproved. He lamented, however, that the former first lady and secretary of state will simply get off the hook and not spend time in jail. "You're not getting a fair trial in Washington. This is the kind of thing that is causing so many Americans to say, 'I'm living in a banana republic. There is no justice, there is no one's going to pay for anything. That cannot be. We live in a republic.'"

Online user gets jail time for posting meme, while Clinton goes free

Beck then turned to his show's executive producer Stu Burguiere and asked if he knew who Ricky Vaugn was. In response, Burguiere said Vaughn was a character in the 1989 baseball movie "Major League." It was also the pseudonym of Douglass Mackey, a pro-Trump user who posted a meme during the 2016 elections. According to the "Stu Does America" host, Mackey was arrested for urging supporters of Clinton to cast their votes through text message or social media. A press release by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York said Mackey's post was considered disinformation and undermined the right to vote. Burguiere slammed the fact that Mackey was brought to trial for posting about a joke, calling it "heavy-handed and ridiculous." The user is now facing 10 years in prison, with his sentence due to begin in August. Meanwhile, Beck pointed out that the FBI just got off from doing exactly what Mackey did – infringing the sacred right to vote by suppressing the vote with misinformation. But given that the FBI and Clinton are both allied with the administration currently in power, he expressed doubt that the former first lady and secretary of state would be punished for her crimes. The "Glenn" host concluded: "Is she [going to] get five years in prison? Because I think she did more than a meme." Follow Clinton.news for more news about Hillary Clinton. Watch Glenn Beck putting his two cents on the Durham Report below. This video is from the High Hopes channel on Brighteon.com.

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