Here's how the Obama regime was in on the plot to destroy Trump's presidency with the phony 'Russiagate' probe
By jdheyes // 2023-05-23
It is no secret now that former President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign was targeted by the deep state. The "Russian collusion" narrative was just a sick hoax dreamed up by Hillary Clinton's campaign, and last week's report from special counsel John Durham made that crystal clear. But the report also laid bare another shocking truth: then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden were in on the entire plot after being briefed about it by then-CIA Director John Brennan. Obama could have called off the FBI's phony counterintelligence probe right then and there -- but he didn't. Former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, now CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group, said on Sunday that the findings listed in Durham’s bombshell report last week prove beyond a doubt that Obama and Biden were directly involved in promulgating the “Trump-Russia collusion hoax.” Nunes made his remarks in an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. "Most Americans are saying, how can this happen? How can this happen in the United States of America? Now, as you know, I spent a lot of time abroad. I made a lot of friends overseas. And I have gotten so many calls after this Durham report from people who are saying, what the hell is going on in the United States?" he began during one segment. "How can you guys have a justice system like this? I think a lot of people were shocked. A lot of them knew me. A lot of them knew that I was telling the truth. But when you see Durham go through this exhaustive three-year process and actually come forth with all of this information that, in any normal world, there would be — there were so many crimes committed here," he noted further. "And, remember, don’t forget that you had Obama. You asked me, what did Obama know about this? Well, the six — this was a stunt by the Hillary Clinton campaign in ’16. It failed miserably because Donald Trump won overwhelmingly. Then what happened? Obama was directly involved because he’s the one that went back right after the election in 2016," Nunes, a Republican who represented a red district in California, added. "He got all the intelligence agencies involved. And they leaked out to the fake news media that, oh, the Russians must have done something and they were trying to help Trump. Obama did that. But Obama knew. But we now know from Durham, Obama knew and his team knew in August of ’16 that this was a dirty trick by the Hillary Clinton campaign. So, I think the question is, where do we go from here? That’s the real question, right?" he said. What's more, the FBI literally committed election interference 1) by falsely accusing Trump of colluding with a foreign power using a bogus "dossier" bought and paid for by Clinton's campaign; and 2) dropping four investigations into her and the Clinton Foundation despite the fact that evidence abounded they were using it to sell influence to the highest bidder since everyone believed Hillary, and not Trump, would win the 2016 election. "In late July 2016, the FBI’s then-director, James Comey, was briefed that U.S. spy agencies had intercepted a Russian intelligence analysis that Clinton had approved a plan by her campaign to smear Trump as an asset of the Kremlin," former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy wrote in the New York Post. "Durham provides no reason to believe the FBI investigated the Russian analysis; indeed, he finds that the bureau essentially ignored it." "Of course, regardless of whether the Russian analysis was authentic, we now know the Clinton campaign had exactly such a strategy, and that the campaign managed to get the FBI to do its bidding in framing Trump as Putin’s puppet," he added. And Obama knew of the whole plot the entire time. And did nothing. Sources include: