Time to face the music: Injured COVID jab recipients sue Biden regime for censoring truths that could have protected them from suffering permanent health damage
By ethanh // 2023-05-24
On May 22, a woman who suffered severe nerve damage after getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) like Joe Biden told her to do is suing the fake president and his regime for damages. Brianne Dressen, the plaintiff, says Biden and other top government officials violated her First Amendment right to free speech, as well as her right to peacefully assemble, by bullying Big Tech, i.e., Facebook and Twitter, into silencing stories like hers from being shared and spread across the internet. "Through threats, pressure, inducement, and coercion, Defendants now work in concert with social media companies to censor content the government deems 'disinformation,' 'misinformation,' and 'malinformation' – a feat that the government could never lawfully accomplish alone," the 124-page suit, which was filed in a U.S. court in southern Texas, reads. (Related: Do not forget all the times that Biden lied to the American people about how COVID injections would "protect" their families from the fabled disease.)

Trump, Republicans executed PREP Act in 2020 to shield government, Big Pharma from liability for COVID "vaccines"

Besides Biden, other named regime official defendants in the suit include Rob Flaherty, a top Biden adviser; Karine Jean-Pierre, the current White House press secretary; Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and the entire Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regulatory agency. None of the defendants have issued any responses to the suit, nor could they be reached for comment. "People injured by the COVID vaccines in the United States have not been able to file suit anywhere, under any circumstance," Dressen is quoted as saying. "So this is a landmark case for Americans injured by the COVID vaccine." Thanks to former President Donald Trump's execution of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which was passed by Republicans, neither the government nor the pharmaceutical industry can technically be sued for any reason related to COVID injections. Most other vaccine corporations are also shielded from liability for all their vaccine offerings, thanks to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which was passed years ago at the behest of Big Pharma, the only major industry that cannot be held liable for injuries or other damage caused by its products. Dressen is joined in her suit against the Biden regime by four others who were similarly injured by covid injections. One of them is Ernest Ramirez, whose son died after getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu – and like Dressen, Ramirez's story was censored and banned from Twitter, Instagram, and the like. At one point, Ramirez tried to start a GoFundMe to raise money for a trip to Washington to share his son's story. As the other tech platforms did at the time, GoFundMe pulled the fundraiser, claiming it violated the company's content policies. Nikki Holland, another plaintiff, tried to share her story of COVID jab injury on TikTok, only to have that platform remove all her videos claiming that they contained "violent and graphic content" that was prohibited. "When I really started to share and open up about things, I started to notice that a lot of stuff was being taken down and censored," Holland is quoted as saying. "That adds a whole new world of questioning to motive and what's really going on because ... why would you censor something you might need to look into to protect millions of others?" Then there is Facebook, which shut down an entire group full of COVID jab-injured people called "A Wee Sprinkle of Hope" for sharing an infographic outlining post-injection symptoms. Facebook declared such content to be "misinformation that could cause physical harm" to others. More of the latest news about the criminality and cronyism of the Biden regime can be found at Corruption.news. Sources include: TheEpochTimes.com NaturalNews.com