State Duma proposes legislation to officially ban gender alteration procedures in Russia
By bellecarter // 2023-06-01
Russian lawmakers are proposing a new bill that would officially ban doctors from performing surgeries that would alter people's primary or even secondary gender characteristics. According to the state-run news agency TASS, medical workers would be prevented under the legislation from performing medical interventions designed to change the sex of a person except if the procedure would be to treat congenital anomalies in children. "Medical interventions are only possible to treat birth abnormalities in children upon a decision from a medical commission of a federal state-run public health institution. The list of such institutions and the procedure for issuing such decisions will be approved by the government," the bill stated. It was initiated by Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the Russian State Duma, also known as the Lower House of Parliament. It would also be made illegal to alter identifying legal documents such as passports on the basis of "gender-affirmation certificates" issued by doctors or any medical organizations. As per the current law, public records offices can change personal documents on the basis of a medical certificate of gender reassignment. Justice Minister Konstantin Chuichenko earlier said that a ban on changing gender in passports and other documents would be one of the first steps to enshrine family values into national law. This most recent measure matches with Russian President Vladimir Putin's repeated speech emphasizing how he would fight against what he's described as "Western attempts to push non-traditional lifestyles including LGBT ideology on the Russian public." Russia has already strong laws that are intended particularly to protect children against the massive and prevalent LGBTQ propaganda. In fact, last December, Putin signed into law a bill that made it illegal to publicly promote same-sex relationships, or to present non-heterosexual orientations as "normal." It also included heavier penalties of up to 400,000 rubles ($4,938) for anyone promoting "non-traditional sexual relations and/or preferences," as well as pedophilia and gender transition across the internet, media, books, audiovisual services, cinema and advertising.

Russian court fines Google 3M rubles over misleading information, LGBT propaganda

Alphabet's Google has been charged by a Russian court the amount of three million rubles ($37,035) back in May. This was due to the search engine's failure to remove YouTube videos that promoted LGBT propaganda and false information about Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. (Related: Russian court FINES social media companies for refusing to delete LGBT content targeting minors.) As per Russian news agencies, Moscow has levied dozens of fines against Western tech companies as part of a drive to ramp up control over what Russian internet users see online over the past year. Putin's government passed strict censorship laws after it started its invasion of Ukraine. It also empowered its legislation against the promotion of LGBT ideologies. The law that was passed in December 2022, widens Russia's interpretation of what qualifies as LGBT propaganda. Any action or the spreading of any information that is considered an attempt to promote homosexuality in public, online or in films, books or advertising could incur a heavy fine. According to prosecutors, tech giant Google had refused to delete several videos posted on YouTube about the LGBT community in St. Petersburg. The Russian subsidiary of Alphabet's Google filed for bankruptcy last year after authorities seized its bank accounts following a December 2021 fine of 7.2 billion rubles ($88.8 million) over what Russian authorities said was the company's "repeated failure" to delete content. Visit for more news related to gender alteration interventions or child mutilation treatments. Watch the video below that talks about how a Melbourne, Australia school is encouraging young children down the path of gender transition. This video is from Alex Hammer's channel on

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